Friday, March 1, 2013

February 2013 Reading Recap

Well. I needed to read more than this, that's for sure. I guess when a big fat book takes place during a month, it really shoots down all the other books!

Here's what I managed, and the first one hardly counts:

Cinders and Sapphires by Leila Rasheed: This was a sneak peek about a girl who becomes a lady's maid in a big house just as the master brings home a new wife and kids to add to the mix.

Mind Games by Kiersten White: Two sisters are wishing they can escape a sort of prison school where they  have to use their powers to better the boss.

Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel: An interesting look at the life and times of Thomas Cromwell, advisor to King Henry VIII.

The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orzcy: A group of British guys have set up a movement to rescure French nobles from the guillotine during the Reign of Terror and are lead by a guy known as The Scarlet Pimpernel.

With or Without You by Domenica Ruta: The author recounts her hazardous early life living with a drug addicted mother.

Favorites: The Scarlet Pimpernel was lots of fun to re-read, and I really enjoyed both Wolf Hall and Mind Games too. Wow, what different books these two are to put next to each other!

I'm really sad I never quite got to Old Man's War! It will still happen, it will.

Plans for March:

  • finish the Vanity Fair read along, I'm a quarter through!
  • finish The Runaway King, I've got a good start
  • read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks for book club
  • read Fragments
  • read Pivot Point
  • read The Tale of Lucia Grandi for a book tour
  • read Strands of Bronze and Gold, an eARC for review
  • read The Immortal Rules
Argh! Think I can do it?

How was your month? 


  1. Your reading list is impressive. Many I have not heard of. I hope your march reading plans turn out as you desire.

    You are leaving me in the dust with reading; I have completed 2 books for the year. I am reading a ton of non-fiction christian books, but have not actually finished.

    1. PS...I have WINTER'S HEART, THE EMPEROR'S SOUL by Brandon Sanderson, and THE MAGICIANS and MRS. QUENT by Galen Beckett all staring at me just patiently waiting on me to start reading them. I think I may start with The Emperor's Soul just because it is the shortest in length and well...I love Sanderson's writing.

  2. I need to read Mind Games, and I'm so jealous you are reading The Runaway King.

  3. Wow! You read so many books. I aspire to be just like you someday! :D

  4. I would have loved to have read Fragments before March 6th but I'll be lucky if my book comes in the mail by then! Speaking of which, are you looking into that, or should I?

  5. You read more than me!! I was sick for most of Jan and Feb so i am soooooo behind. I am making a schedule also. I loved Henritta Lacks! I hope you do too!

  6. I loved Strands of Bronze and Gold as well as The Runaway King, so I hope you enjoy those coming up. Looks like you had a great reading month!

    Here's our Month in Review
