Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bookishness Around Town

This last year I've had fun participating in the Where in the World are You Reading meme hosted by Trish, Lisa and Kelly.  But they are closing it down now with the prompt, "Bookishness Around Town."  

And so, I thought I'd compile a bunch of my bookish pictures from the past couple of years into a quick, very quick (only 30 seconds!) slide show. 

So, I give you my contribution to Bookishness Around Town:

It's been fun guys! 

Check out links to other posts here.

Oh, and P.S.

Today I'm being featured over at Jenni Elyse's blog! Come say hi there!


  1. Love the slideshow. I've loved this series too and I just posted my Bookish post as well.

  2. Whoa! I love the slide show but it went so fast.

  3. Suey--I absolutely LOVE the way that you wrapped up for this post with all of your pictures from around town. Thank you so much for all your participation over the past couple of months. :)
