Friday, March 15, 2013

Book Club Book List for 2013-14

Here's what the book club has decided to read next year! This line up actually starts in June with Edenbrooke!

And look at that! TWO non fiction books!

I'm very excited about The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet because I have inside information that the author will hopefully probably I think be coming to the library this fall. Awesome.

I've read most of the books on this list, but there are a few that I have not that I've been dying to read, so all is well and I'm very excited. The fun part is having the book club read and dissect some of my favorite books! I love to see what their reaction is to them. Sometimes it surprises me!

Between Shades of Gray
The Night Circus
The End of Your Life Bookclub
Agnes Grey
The Actor and the Housewife
The Forgotten Garden
The Schwa was Here
Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet

What do you think? Not a bad list, eh?

What's your book club reading these days?


  1. I liked the Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet - it will make a great book club read - lots to discuss.

  2. That is a great list! We are reading The Book of Jonas this month...then we need to vote on ourpicks for the next six months.

    1. Melissa: I don't think I've even heard of The Book of Jonas. Hmmmm....

  3. It'll be just plain painful if people don't like the schwa. I'm holding my breath on that one.

    1. Jenny: How can they not like it? You know?

  4. Wait, Jamie Ford is coming to OUR library in the fall? This is awesome news! I loved that book. I would love to see the actual hotel and area in Seattle one day.

    Looks like a great list!

    1. Holly: It's in the works. I think just details need to be worked out. I'm so excited! I hope it doesn't fall through...

  5. We are celebrating March Mystery Madness and we are all reading a mystery of our choice. Then we get together and it's like a huge "book commercial" as we share about our books. I always go home with plenty of new titles to read! I am reading Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear and I have a YA title in the works as well.

    I've read several of these titles and I can't wait to hear what your group has to say about some of them. Enjoy!

  6. We have The Night Circus on our list this year too, and we read Major Pettigrew last year and everyone enjoyed it!

    Enjoy your book club reads, and the discussions.

  7. Oh, I'm very excited about this list. I've read four of them, but those four are the ones I'm most excited to discuss (THE NIGHT CIRCUS, EDENBROOKE, THE HOTEL ON THE CORNER OF BITTER AND SWEET, and THE ACTOR AND THE HOUSEWIFE). And I've very excited to read the rest.

  8. Oooh, great choices!! I think the only ones I haven't read are AGNES GREY and THE END OF YOUR LIFE BOOK CLUB. I'm excited to hear reports on them all.

  9. Great list! There are so many on this list that I want to read!

    My book club is discussing Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver this weekend, then we will be reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.
