Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bloggiesta Mini Challenge: Getting to Know You

Yes, it's required that you click the play button on this video while reading. Have you done it? Okay! Onward!

One of the best things about participating in Bloggiesta is meeting new-to-us bloggers. (If you are not familiar with the Bloggiesta event, click over to the main site here to learn all about it.) It could be someone just starting, or someone that has been blogging for a long time but you've just learned about through Bloggiesta.

Maybe they were a mini challenge host and you loved the look of their blog, so you clicked around and decided , hey I really like this one!

Or maybe you participated in a Twitter chat and there was another blogger on at the time and you seemed to be saying to each other, "hey, me too!" a lot!

Maybe you liked a comment you saw on a blog and clicked over to see who made it and decided.... now this is an awesome blog!

Maybe you clicked through the list of those that signed up at the starting line and found someone there and you thought...hey, this blogger is just my style!

No matter how we discover and find each other, there's always someone (or two) at the end of each Bloggiesta that you've added to all your lists and plan to stay connected with even after the event.

For this challenge, I want you to make a conscious effort to find at least ONE new (new... as in someone you've never been in contact with before) awesome blogging connection. I want you to learn a little about that person and their blog, and then write a quick, no stress post, on your own blog to introduce the rest of us to your new friend.

Be sure to let us know the following hings (all of which you can do just by clicking around on their blog):
  • the name and URL of their blog
  • where we can find them on Twitter/Facebook/ Goodreads, etc.
  • what sorts of things they blog about
  • where they are from, if you know
  • how long they've been blogging
  • and most importantly, what stood out to you about this blogger that makes you want to get to know them better.
Be sure to let them know you are planning to highlight them!

Then come back here and link up your post so the rest of us can get to know them too.

Hopefully, you can post about your new blogging friend during this actual Bloggiesta weekend, but I'll give you a few more days past the event to do so... we'll say until next Wednesday March 27. On Thursday, March 28 I'll pick a random winner from the links listed at that point, and that person will win a $10 Amazon gift certificate.


Now, off you go to meet new bloggers!


  1. I love this song/movie! Going to make a new friend now. Thanks. This song is soo stuck in my head now! LOL!

  2. I felt quite motivated listening to the music! Can't wait to do this one. Because you have quite a list, I copied it to a word document and printed it out. I'll be back with the results!

  3. I hope you can find my URL, as the linky wouldn't allow it in it's full length.

    Here's the full length:

    1. Laurel-Rain: Looks like it worked! Thanks!

  4. Loving the music, Suey! Nice touch!

    Today, I'm taking your challenge! Woot woot!

  5. I hated to do it, but I went ahead and submitted my link even though my post won't go live until tomorrow... Just afraid I would forget to come back and link up! Hope that's okay!
