Friday, February 15, 2013

Vanity Fair Read Along

Where one read along ends, another begins!

I've finished Wolf Hall and will be posting my review and read along ending thoughts this weekend, but meanwhile, it's time to start another read along. And this one looks even more long and chunky and scary than Wolf Hall!

This is the version I've had sitting on my shelf for years... many many years. Strange cover, don't you think? I hope this is one of those classics that I'm sucked right into and have no problem turning the pages quickly along.  I'm a little nervous, but here's to finally reading it! 

Want to join in? Click on over to Melissa's (Avid Reader's Musings) post here. 


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you're going to be reading it with us. I've just started, but so far it's really funny. It's big, but I think it will be a good one.

    1. Melissa: I just started tonight! One chapter down! Sorry I forgot to link to you in this post, have just edited it!

  2. Good luck. I really was not a fan of the movie so I'll never pick up the book. Just can't do it.

    1. Jenny: I have officially lost it, don't you think?

  3. Those ladies down at the bottom. I just can't get over it!! (my cover is the same). So glad you're joining us!!
