Friday, February 8, 2013

A Post About Nothing

Rambling nothing thoughts of the day:

* having fun writing letters so far this month! If you signed up on my form, I'm slowly getting through that!

* loving the new Josh Groban CD, but you knew that.

* tried to watch American Idol on On Demand, it failed on me. I am not impressed!

* I was so healthy today and ate a smoothie for lunch, but then I made cookies and ate a bunch of those. :(

* I started reading Mind Games on my Kindle and have neglected Wolf Hall!

* I'm very excited for LTUE next week. But I know life is going to give me grief for going.

* I thought book club was next week, but no, it's another week AFTER that! I think we got an extra week in there somewhere this month!

* I watched a scary Dr. Who the other day... season 6 episode 2! The Silence guys! Oh my. Filmed in Utah though... how cool is that?

* I seem to be out of blogging post ideas. Someone brainstorm with me and let's come up with something fun!

* Dreamgirls (the musical) which I saw the other night was... okay. But not my favorite. Not a huge fan of that type of music I guess! Up next... Shrek! I think I will really like Shrek!

* I've got a new dishwasher, and it's nice that the dishes finally get clean again! But.. it's smaller than the one before, so we'll be washing more often I think. I'm trying to get to used to a new loading routine. Strange.

* and that's about it from here. Boring, I know.


  1. Happy (almost) weekend!

    Love the 6th season of Dr. Who. Some great episodes in that season.

    I'm going to have to check out the new Josh Groban album. He has such an amazing voice.

    Hope you have fun at LTUE next week!

    1. Carl: I'm really looking forward to learning the River Song story! So much teasers on that and now I'm dying to know the real story. I hope that comes this sixth season.

      Yes, do have a listen to JG. It's a good one!

  2. I love these sorts of posts about "nothing"! I need a new dishwasher...ugh, don't want to shop for one though, lol

    1. Jennifer: I can't even tell you how long we went with a ours not working well before we finally broke down and did it. It was a long long time.

  3. Oh life is never boring.

    I tried to read Mind Games...couldn't get into it.

    Love DR WHO :)

    1. Julie: I'm surprised you didn't like Mind Games. I'm finding it quite page turning!

      Do you have a favorite Dr. Who?

      Got your letter today! Thanks!

  4. I only have one book to review and I'm waiting because it is part of a readalong and I read it to fast so I need some blog post ideas, too!

    I just discovered that I have a ton of international $1.05 stamps and the price just went up to $1.10 and I don't have any 5 centers... Anyhoo - postcards are 33 now. :D

    1. Care: Sounds like you need to add some more 5 centers to your stash! I need those 33 cent ones!

  5. DOCTOR WHO!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh. Season 6 is probably my favorite season of television EVER. I just re-watched it last week and I cried every time River Song and the Doctor were on screen together. I just love them so MUCH!

    1. Enna: YAY!!! Yes, I'm so very much looking forward to this next season. It's taken me a bit to warm up to Matt Smith, but I think I'm there now! :)

  6. The ONE episode of Doctor Who I've seen scared the poo out of me. It's the one with the kids in gas masks who keep saying, "Moooommmmmy?". Totally creepy.

    Have fun at LTUE. Sounds like so much fun!

    1. Susan: I know the one! Yes, so very creepy. Love it!!

      I wish you could come to LTUE some year!

  7. The smoothies/cookies plan? Totally been there too many times! :/ And you get to listen to Megan Whalen Turner? I'm sooooo totally jealous! I love her books! You'll have to tell us all about it, so we can live vicariously through you. :)

  8. I got your letter! Thank you! It was nice to get real mail. We'll see if I can get it together enough to write you back before the end of the month.

  9. Doesn't sound too boring to me!! I hope you enjoy Shrek! Personally, I'm a bigger fan of the one inspired by it, Puss in Boots!
