Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wolf Hall Read Along: Half Way There!

Wow, it's been an interesting trip so far down British history lane! Not sure how to define the experience that this book is. But here's what I'm thinking so far.

The writing is unlike anything I've ever read before. Strange mix of awesomeness and confusion. It's kind of a stream of conscious book, you know. And you really need to be paying attention in order to know who's thinking what, who's saying what and what HE refers to whenever it's used. Very weird.

And yet, at the same time, the writing quite sucks you in and makes you feel there. Maybe it's the stream of conscious thing that can do that, but yeah, it's not really that hard once you get used to it. Very weird, indeed!

I've read several books about this period in history, so I'm really enjoying seeing it from a different perspective. I can't remember much about Cromwell from previous readings, he probably seemed like the boring character then. But I've a feeling I've always thought of him as the bad guy. And I tend to want to put all these players in this crazy story into some sort of bad guy/good guy category. So I'm finding it fun to actually like him and feel for him and want him to succeed in whatever he's trying to do.

But, that's the thing. What IS he trying to do?  Of course, I know that he is key in making the change that allows Henry to divorce the queen and marry Anne, but at this point, I see him waffling from one camp to the other. He is/was the cardinal's boy after all, right? And the cardinal is not for divorce? Am I right?

Yes, it's all confusing.

As always, though, I wish that somehow Queen Katherine could have won this fight. I do NOT like Anne Bolelyn, and have never felt very sorry for her, even if she really didn't deserve what she got. But none of them did. Someone was just a little head chopping happy, I'd say.

But now I'm getting ahead (ha, aHEAD, lol) of myself! And talk about stream of conscious! Sheesh, what's up with me today. I'm too tired I think. But you love posts like this, right?

Anyway, besides Cromwell, I'm totally loving his dude/secretary/helper/friend.... Rafe. Love him! Was he a real guy? Do you think he had such dry wit in real life? And how would anyone know anyway? It's the author making up his personality I'm sure. But I approve.

The human-ness we are seeing with Cromwell, his kids, his wife, his home, his pets, his love for his extended/adopted family. I love it. I hope that's how it really was. I'm scared for them all though. I know how this ends!

Now.. on to the second half of the book....

Oh, for Jessica's thoughts on the first half of this book (she's co-hosting this read along with me!) click on over here!


  1. I hope to read wolf hall in the next few weeks. Your review just made me all the more anxious to read it.

    1. Hillary: Few weeks? Ah, should be reading along with us! :)

  2. You make me laugh, aHEAD, chuckle ;) I really liked this book. The pronouns are a little messed up or something but it's still amazing! Bring up the Bodies is even better, fyi

    1. Jennifer: I look forward to to Bring up the Bodies. However, I will probably have a little break in between!

  3. Maybe the book is having an effect on you. That was a bit confusing.... Actually I'm so tired anything might seem confusing.

  4. Mantel sorts out her pronouns and gives her readers a little love via clarification in Bring Up The Bodies. Readers must have complained en masse.

  5. Ack! I JUST heard of Wolf Hall and JUST added it to my goodreads. This conincidence, combined with the fact that your personal description can be applied completely to me, too, makes me think this blog is a follower.

    1. Therese: Awesome! Glad to have you! I hope to see you around often. :)
