Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday: My Oldest TBR's!

Once in awhile an opportunity comes along where I get to show off my lovely TBR shelf... the shelf I look at every night as I'm falling asleep. I post it now and then, but since it's always changing, I figure that's okay. So here it is again:
My newest books are stacked in two teetering piles on the floor
in the bottom left. See them? The books I'm listing here are all hidden behind the ones you see
because of course there's double shelving going on here!
Gah, what a mess1 

Today's topic for Top Tens brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish is to list ten books that have been on your TBR shelf for the longest time. Well, this shelf has books that have been on there for YEARS... so I'm going to reach back to the very dustiest corner of this mess and let you know about ten random ones. I still hope that sometime I'll read them, even if they've already been here for years and years.

Top Ten Oldest TBR Books 

1. The Secret History by Donna Tartt
2. The Master by Colm Toibin
3. Vanity Fair by William Thackary
4. Broken Music by Sting
5. The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti
6. Oil! by Upton Sinclair
7. The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende
8. Peony in Love by Lisa See
9. Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell
10. The Shipping News by Annie Proulx

Wow. I could go on for pages and pages! So tell me... of these ten, which ones do you think it's very sad that I haven't yet read? Do you see any other books in my picture that need my attention pronto?


  1. If I participated in this prompt, I wouldn't even know where to start! You must read The Secret History. It's phenomenal!

  2. That's the most beautiful TBR shelf I've ever seen! lol I'd love to help you sort them ;) I like the idea of reading some more Elizabeth Gaskell. I just discovered her last year.

  3. Wow, I haven't even heard of any of these...except Mary Barton. There's something so scary yet comforting about books you haven't read yet. At least that's how I feel. :)

  4. I really need to read Vanity Fair. I had two Lisa See books on my shelf for forever! I finally read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan this year.

  5. So I'll stop complaining about my TBR pile now... :-D

    I actually really liked Broken Music by Sting. Surprisingly (or perhaps not; I love his lyrics), he's a good writer and it's an interesting story.

  6. Oh my gosh! I thought you were kidding when you described your TBR pile a while ago. Wow! That has to be daunting. Even though I have 800+ books on mine, at least they're not staring me in the face all the time.

  7. Peony In Love is good, but nowhere near as good as Snowflower and the Secret Fan, which was marvellous. :)
    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday post. :)

  8. Avoid The Shipping News at all cost! Possibly the worst book ever. It was my very first book club pick 20+ years ago, and I was afraid they would never ask me back after we finished.

  9. Reviews: Okay, I will bump it up, after I wipe all the dust off it.

    Trish: Glad you enjoy my awesome shelf! :) I love Elizabeth Gaskell, haven't heard much about this book Mary Barton though.

    Jenny: Yes, these are all mostly pre-blogging hope-to-read books. Weird, that.

    Melissa: Vanity Fairy may need to be a buddy read sometime to help us get through it, I'm thinking.

    Melissa: LOL... good to hear about the Sting book thought. I bought it on a whim if I remember right.

    Jenni: I am so NOT kidding! Now you know!

    Diary: Yes, my guess is that's why I have lingered on getting to this one.

    Melissa: Really? Thanks for the heads up on that! I refuse to waste my precious reading time!

  10. Wow! I don't think I'd be able to have that many books waiting to be read. But then again I've never had the opportunity to do so until recently, so maybe we should check back on mine this time next year.

  11. I love that picture! It looks so much like my own TBR shelf. Of the books you have in this list, I would recommend Vanity Fair. I am a classic literature geek and that is one of my favorites.

    New follower!

  12. The Secret History is excellent reading. I almost put The Shipping News on my list. Poor Annie Proulx's books have all been sitting neglected on my shelves for way too long!

  13. Omg I love your shelf!! I wish I would have one like yours!! :)

  14. Uh-oh... double shelving! Great list though. I loved The Shipping News and The Secret History. The Good Thief was ok but not great.

  15. I WILL NOT take a picture....I WILL NOT take a picture....I WILL NOT take a picture. Wait ! You did! You snuck into my house and caught a corner of my TBR shelves! Oh, that's yours???! It looks like mine. Oops.

    Literally I need about 2 new bookshelves to house my double stacked shelves and my floor book stacks. (Hang head in shame.) Oh well. It's cheaper than therapy.

    I'll go reorganize them now and pet them and feed them and admire them.

  16. I could go on and on if I was making a list, too...
