Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Sunday Salon: A Weekly Recap

First of all, let me just say right off the bat that there is absolutely no reading to report on at all. I'm still working on the two biggies that I talked about last week. I'm enjoying them both, it's just that, you know, life is a little busy right now and there's really no reading down time. When I try to read at night, I fall asleep. So, yeah, I'm making a little progress on them, but not much. I have a feeling this next week will be just as bad. The week of Christmas though? (And the week after.) I seriously hope I can do some big time reading then.  And if so, perhaps there's just a slim chance I can make it to that 100 book mark. We'll see.

But I did want to come on today to say thanks for all the wonderful comments the other day on my audio vs music post. I loved all your input! And I'm glad to know I still have some readers out there reading! (Sometimes you wonder, you know.) Anyway, so in case you didn't see my final comment and decision, here's my plan. I loved the idea of trying out an audio book on a re-read (because sometimes I have re-reading issues too!) and on a small book. So I'm hoping to find one for When You Reach Me that's coming up in January for book club, and see what I think.

I also realized after someone's comment (I forget who now) that you CAN do both. I've always been one to shout about the fact that you can do both books and TV... so why not audio books and music? Same thing, right? Well, we'll see. I'm going to try fitting it in as my treadmill book. I'll let you know how it goes.

Another thing, thanks to Angie from Texas who sent me a book blogger holiday swap package! It sounds so intriguing (lots of rattling going on in there!) but I'm saving it for the big day. I love having that to look forward to on Christmas Day. So I'll be back to report on that later... and hopefully have a link to her blog, since all I have right now is a name! Fun fun stuff.

Other random tidbits:
- Santa came to our Christmas party last night and brought me The Canadian Tenor Christmas cd... awesome!
- On the other hand, I bought Adam Lambert's Acoustic Live songs.... also awesome!
- Looking forward to Amazing Race's finale tonight. Rooting for Clair and Brook.
- I might almost be done Christmas shopping. Might. Almost.
- Today it feels like spring. Nice, but not, if you know what I mean.

And finally, what the family is reading:

Mr. Stuey: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (you know, the one that's coming! My husband decided he needed to see what the big deal was!)
JJ: The Aeneid by Virgil
Moder: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Toto: The Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'dell


  1. We are on the exact same page! I may be able to read 100 books this year, and I am also hopeful that I will have some extra reading time during the week of Christmas.

  2. I loved getting to see what books your family is reading. I remember reading Island of the Blue Dolphins when I was younger. I'm no where near my goal of 100 books but there is always next year :)

  3. Reviews: Here's hoping! :)

    Samantha: They are reading some great ones right now, are they not? I love it. And yes, there IS always next year, that's for sure! :)

  4. Your family is in the midst of some good reading right now! I haven't read the Aeneid though, so I can't vouch for that one.
