Thursday, September 25, 2008

Review: Revenge of the Cheerleaders by Janette Rallison

Book: Revenge of the Cheerleaders by Janette Rallison

Genre: YA Romance

Rating: A

For: YA Romance Challenge

I read this one quite awhile back and just never took the time to talk about it. I don't know why since I loved it. I decided if I ever write a book, it's going to be like Janette Rallison's books. Light, cute, fluffy and funny. Though I have a feeling I'll have a tough time with the funny part. Dang!

Anyway, this book is a spin off of one of her other books All's Fair in Love and War and High School. Same characters, but told from the point of view of a different girl. Yes, she is a cheerleader. BUT, she is extremely sick of being made fun of by her sister's boyfriend, who writes songs to torment her. When he enters an American Idol-like contest, she ends up entering too (sort of by mistake, but still.) And so the revenge begins.

Things get crazy from there! I love this stuff. So fun. Total escape kind of stories. Now I think I'm almost caught up with all her books, and then, I'll read them as they come out!

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