Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Review: The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

Book: The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson
Genre: YA SF
Rating: A
For: FUN!

I've been hearing about this book around the blogosphere for quite some time now. Every one's been raving about it, and when I realized it's by the same author of a book I read way back when that I loved (Scribbler of Dreams) I knew I had to track it down and read it quick! So, when I did a for fun Amazon order the other day, this was one of the books I got.

I was captured from the very first line, "I used to be Jenna Fox." This is a story about a girl who wakes up from a coma with amnesia. She is given a bunch of dvds of her life to help her remember who she is. However, she continues to struggle with her identity. What makes her who she is? Anyway, as she slowly "wakes up", she starts to learn all kinds of strange and interesting things that really cause her to start questioning herself. And her parents.

Lots to think about here! This IS a great one! Everyone was right!

Also reviewed by:


  1. I am so glad that you liked this book. There was ton to think about and gnaw on. I had a great time reading through the book, which was fast paced even though it had many weighty topics.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed this one :)

  3. I've borrowed Serena's copy, and I can't wait for a spare moment to read it!

