Monday, June 30, 2008

Kicking Off the 4th

Every year our community puts on a huge 4th of July celebration. They always kick it off with a patriotic Sunday service which we've never attended until last night. That's because Glenn Beck was the keynote speaker, and we've been hearing so much about him that we just had to go see what he was all about!

The whole thing ended up being really quite fun. Hearing thousands of people saying the Pledge of Allegiance gets to me every time. They also had some wonderful patriotic songs going on, both band and singing. That was great too. Then finally Glenn Beck took the stage and wow... he is one powerful speaker. There's no falling asleep while he's talking that's for sure! He referred often to 9/11 which choked him up a bit, and to the signing of the Declaration of Independence. His whole message was one of trying to be more positive about our country. He said that we need to count on each other to make this country great and to do our part. He said that this country IS special and that we shouldn't get down on ourselves so much, because of all the problems it's going through. That we should hold our heads up high and get on with fixing things.

Anyway, it was fun and I'm glad we finally made the effort to go to this event. It was a great way to start this patriotic week!


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Makes me wish I'd gone. Thanks for spreading the patriotism. :) -chelle

  2. I LOVE the 4th of July. I'm a sucker for anything patriotic. I'm jealous that you got to attend this event. Thanks for sharing!
