Monday, May 5, 2008

"New" Books!

Yep. I went to a book sale. I bought ALL these books (yes it took three different pictures!) for just over $12! Some of them I'm swapping at (one is actually missing from the picture 'cause it's already on it's way to someone!) Some of them I'll read first, THEN swap, and some of them are keepers. I'm not going to list them all, so you'll just have to look at the pictures to see what I ended up with. Comment if you have any major insights on any of them!
Now... to find a place to put them......


  1. Why can't I find a book sale like this?! Looks like you have some great books here:)

  2. I really enjoyed Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons. Good pick.
    I read The Jungle back in high school and didn't want to eat meat for a while - LOL! :-)

  3. Good deal! We have a super Friends of the Library sale at the end of each month. I missed last months. There are just too many books on the shelves now. :( I'm trying to use!

  4. My goodness that is a lot of new books! The Evanovich and Keyes are great for a laugh!

  5. I need a book sale like this in my area!

    I highly recommend The Road, The Great Gatsby, The Jungle, and The Vampire Lestat! If you read that Janet Evanovich book, I can send you the rest of the series when I am finished with them.

    I will be starting the Jane Austen Book Club soon. I just got it from the library.

  6. WOW! What an amazingly large selection you got for $12. What type of sale did you go to?

    Also, I'm new to blogging can you email me so I can ask you some questions regarding your set up?

  7. This sale is one that these people have in their garage... like a massive garage sale, only just books. I don't know where they get their books... closeouts, damaged, ARCs.... but all the novels they sale for only 25 cents. Very cool.
