Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My Shelf

See... it still doesn't look too great, 'cause there's too many! In the bottom left corner you can see my "current" night stand books, though I finished Dragonhaven the other day. The second in the stack, the upside down one, is The Book Thief, which I'm re-reading for book club this month. Aw... it's so good!!! .... even better the second go around!

My Award Challenge books are stacked up to the left on the middle-ish shelf, and my new books on the right. The TBR's are way at the top where you can't even see much. The others? Just still waiting a turn... or simply there because there's no where else to go!

The very very bottom shelf that you can't see at all in this picture is filled with magazines that I need to decide what to do with. I love magazines, but they sure do accumulate and I hate throwing them away! What if I needed something from them some day? :)


  1. Your bookshelves look like mine! I've got all my challenge books together so I'll be able to find them when the time comes. I have stacks of others - some read, some unread, some favorites, some blah books.

    But I NEED every one of them!

  2. Toss the magazines! If you did need something from them, how would you ever find the right article? I've taken to ripping the pages out of magazines for future reference and sticking them in a folder. Then I give the magazine a toss. They take up too much space otherwise.

  3. Good heavens, with the bowing shelves jam packed with books, I thought you'd posted a picture from MY house. :)
