Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Fairy Tale by Stephen King: A READALONG ANNOUNCEMENT!


So... one of my goals is to get back to doing or participating in... readalongs. That's like a temporary book club of one book! Gather a bunch of people that want to read a specific book, read it, and discuss! 

I wanted to read Fairy Tale by Stephen King, and I think this book would be a TON MORE FUN with people! So, I'm hosting a readalong for this book in March. 

If you are on Storygraph, you can join the readalong over there. I'll (hopefully) create some forums and stuff to see how that works over there. BUT I'll also post stuff here, and on the channel. So you don't need to do the Storygraph thing at all. (Here's the link to find that page over there.)

Though I would love for you to tell me if you're interested, so I can know who to..annoy...about stuff as we get going! LOL! So comment here if you think you might join in. 

Anyway, look for a schedule to come in a bit, as we get closer. In the meantime, if you are interested, you can get the book and plan your schedule to participate in March. JOIN US!!


  1. Sounds like fun. I'll join! :D I love readalongs and haven't done one in ages! I still need to join StoryGraph, but this will give me a good push. :D

  2. I'm super interested! I have the book, have never done a readalong before, and have already joined the readalong on Storygraph. Super excited to do this with y'all!

  3. I'm in! I've read the book before but I loved it so much I'm happy to do a reread and a readalong so I can gush about it with you all!

    Haze @ The Book Haze



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