Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals for 2023


So I actually did a video for goals! Go watch it! LOL!

But if you want a quick and easy to read list, here it is:

1. Goodreads goal: read 50 books! AH, even though I failed at 40 this past year!

2. Read all the book club books, as always!

3. Participate in 3 reading challenges: Popsugar, local bookstore, library! Also the #readwhatyouwonchallenge.... WAH!

4. More involved in the booktube (and blogging) communities. Do some read alongs with people.

5. Get the youtube channel up to 1000 subscribers! 

6. Keep up better with the buzzed about books!

7. Join book of the month eventually?

I think that's mostly what I'll be aiming for this week. Be sure to check out everyone else's goals here!


  1. Good luck with your goals! I feel like the Pioneer Book prompts are easier this year than in years past, so I'm hopeful I can actually finish it this year. I'll be in Provo a couple times in 2023. Hopefully, I'll be able to stop in when I'm there. I'd love to do a meet-up with you local book bloggers sometime when I'm up there, too. It was so fun with you and Jenny all those years ago.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  2. Yes! Join Book of the Month! Good luck with all your goals!

  3. Great goals! I hope you can meet all of them
