Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Cozy Reads


The prompt for Top Ten Tuesday today is Cozy Reads! With these instructions: "Share books that give off a cozy vibe, whether through atmosphere, setting, or some other factor. Please tell us why they’re cozy for you, too!"

I just finished a cozy read...Not Going There by Terri Osburn. All her books (the ones I've read so far anyway) are cozy! Lovely romances. I need to read more in her Anchor Island series, because I feel like the setting in those would really add to the coziness.

Whenever I'm trying to think of "cozy" books, I think of Anne of Green Gables. Pretty sure there's nothing that's quite as cozy as that one!

One of my favorite authors is Kasie West and think of all her books as cozy, simply because they are fun fluffy cute romances. I am getting behind and need to read her latest ones! 

Tweet Cute by Emma Lord is another fun and cozy book. I mean of course there are problems and issues, but mostly it's... cute!

Miracle Creek Christmas by Krista Lynne Jensen is a sweet cozy Christmas romance. 

All of Trish Milburn's kpop and kdrama series are cozy... despite all the problems and issues she addresses within the kpop industry.

Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell is SOOOO cute and cozy! What a fun fall/autumn/Halloween story!

Scrolling through my Goodreads and realizing that I could use more cozy in my life. And it appea
rs that my definition of cozy is a cute fun romance. I don't really do cozy mysteries, so there's nothing like that on my list. But I love fun cute romances and so you'd think I'd have a ton more on my read list, but seriously, scrolling through it and it's mostly rough and wild stories!

What's cozy to you all? I look forward to look at your posts and getting suggestions!


  1. I was thinking the same thing about Anne. There isn't a more cozy read than that. Tweet Cute and Pumpkinheads are great picks as well.

  2. I have only read one Kasie West but I plan to read more! I also adore Anne of Green Gables. Have a great list!

  3. ANNE OF GREEN GABLES has been on lots of lists today and no wonder, it's the coziest of the cozy! It's a book I can read over and over and over and still love every time. There's a reason we all love it so much :)

    Happy TTT!
