Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books with ICE CREAM on the cover!


Today's prompt... books with (fill in the blank) on the cover.  What did I decide to do? ICE CREAM!

I've only read the first one, but now I kinda want to read them all! 


  1. I want ice cream now, even though I already had a small Oreo shake from JCW's for lunch, lol. My favorite cover of this bunch is A Snicker of Magic. I like the vibrant colors.

  2. Best TTT topic ever! I love ice cream and now I really want some. Can you send me some from the BYU Creamery?? That stuff is THE BEST :)

    Happy TTT!

  3. Now I want some Ice Cream!! I just love Curious George.

  4. This is so cute, well done for finding all those ice creams!

  5. Wow! I had no idea there were so many covers with ice cream. Fun!
