Thursday, February 10, 2022

January 2022 Wrap Up

 Picture of the Month:

Snacks from Japan!

I feel like I got of to a fairly good start this year. Which reminds me, I still haven't done a recap "by the numbers" of the whole year. Look for that to come soon!

Stuff I read this month: 

A Million Beginnings by Sabrina T. Rudolph: Becoming the manager for a kpop band is crazy and fun and hard to not fall in love. 

Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon: How to not fall in love especially when you can see the end of the story. 

Keep Moving by Maggie Smith: Lots of thoughts on how to deal with life.

XOXO by Axie Oh: When the guy you accidently meet at your uncle's karaoke bar turns out to be a member of a kpop band and goes to the school you enroll in when you end up in Seoul. 

Favorites: Instructions for Dancing... maybe?

Goals for February: 

You know, just want to read stuff that's been sitting around waiting for a turn. Like I have no particular goals this month except to un-neglect a few books. 


  1. Those snacks look good. I've heard that Japan and Korea have better KitKats than us.

    1. Yes, SO many flavors! Kit Kats are a thing there I guess because it actually means something cool in Japanese, but I forget what. Lol!

  2. Good job on your reading in January. I want to try some of your snacks. I love Japanese snacks. They're so good! That's how Hi-Chews came about. When does Tori get to see Ken?

    1. There might be some of these left by the time we have book club in person. Maybe. I don't know when Tori and Ken will see each other again. 😥
