Monday, April 6, 2020

Coronavirus Week Three: March 29 to April 5

We've survived another week!

This week nothing big happened. No announcements. No earthquakes. ( Here anyway, though the aftershocks continue in SL... Idaho had a big one though. And San Diego too I think.) But, the virus continues to grow... the curve continues to escalate. People continue to die. However, toward the end of the week some places reported their numbers finally going down a bit. Let's hope that continues. But here they will continue to go up first of course. I haven't been paying a whole lot to the news and numbers, but they say it will get a lot worse here before it gets better. I'm pretty sure this stay at home thing will last AT LEAST through April... and most likely through May.

I felt like this week was all about navigating our new normal. Husband brought all his equipment home from work and set up his work space and started working from home. He's not exactly happy with his work space, but I'm guessing it's better than some.

So our days are: trying to get up between 9 and 10... yeah. Sometimes that doesn't even happen, but if we do manage that, we feel accomplished! The husband "goes to work" on his computer, the daughter takes her computer downstairs to an empty room and "goes to school." And I go to my computer and just... do random stuff.

Never before has it hit me just how "non essential" I am. It's a great feeling. I have zero importance to add to society. So.. yeah. That's a lovely feeling.

Still though, I have plenty to do. Boredom is not an issue.

We putter around that way for several hours. Everyone seems to get "done" with their work around 4 or so. Then we shift to playing. Video games, youtube videos, reading, etc. At some point we figure out food, and then we watch something...a kdrama, a movie, etc. I manage to fit in exercise either in the morning by myself, or evening with the daughter.

The big outings for the week were:

  • Tuesday and Saturday to the grocery store to pick up our online order (it was our first time... it went well. Items we tried to get but were unsuccessful: flour, yeast, spaghetti and salsa. We were able to get milk and eggs though. Yay.)
  • Sunday for a ride and a walk
  • Wednesday for a ride
  • The husband got out a couple times to deal with duplex/landlording stuff. 
  • It finally got warm enough one day to sit outside on our deck for a bit.
And that's about it. Woot. Party!

And so we start into week four. Here's hoping we can stay sane and continue to get the essential stuff done, work on the fun things, maybe organize something, clean something and not tear our hair out in the process!

1 comment:

  1. I thought the COVID-19 thing was dying down, but then we heard that an extended family member died of it today in Provo. He'd been in the hospital for several weeks, was doing better, then WHAM. Crazy. Makes it feel more real. I'm hoping and praying for an end as I know lots of other people are doing.

    Glad you and yours are safe and well.
