Monday, April 13, 2020

Coronavirus Week Four: April 6 to 12, 2020

We've passed the four week mark of doing this stay at home/stay away from people thing. It's hard to believe. We did get the word that it's officially going to last at least through the end of April (the stay at home directive I mean) and I'm sure it will then be extended once things are assessed again.

Nothing exciting happened around here. I went out once this week, on Wednesday when we walked to the nearby park and back. The husband did a small grocery trip. And that was it. We have ordered another bigger grocery order, which we will pick up this week on Wednesday. So that will be our excitement of this week!

Oh, this week will be exciting too since we plan to try a Zoom meeting for book club! Also, I hope to figure out how to do a YouTube watch party and try and get some online friends to watch kpop with us. We'll see if that works or not.

So life continues much like last week. We all get on our computers for most of the day, doing our work, school and projects. The big thing for me and Toto is looking forward to watching another drama episode at night. This week we plan to start yet another newly airing one. That'll be three dramas we are trying to keep up with!

Twitter went crazy yesterday when someone said they thought concerts won't come back until fall of 2021. Seriously, this is so depressing I can't really even think about it. I guess we'll see if they are right.

The current virus numbers are:

1.8 million total cases, 557, 000 of them in the U.S.
113,00 total people have died, 22,000 died in the U.S
The numbers in some of the first hit countries are going down a little.
But the rest of us are just arriving to the peak. I can't find the Utah numbers right now, but they are growing.

Anyway. It's made us all paranoid about germs and people. That's for sure. I hate it. The idea of things going back to normal is starting to feel weirder and weirder. Like even if they say it's okay, we will none of us believe it. It's going to take awhile to get over this.

Easter was yesterday! We boiled some eggs and made deviled eggs and had ham. That's how we knew it was Easter I guess. And the big food splurge was making cookies. So it was very exciting around here!

That's it for this week's report. I think week by week the report will continue to get more and more boring!


  1. Our stay at home order is currently in place until May 11 now. I hope that concerts are back before 2021. One that we were supposed to be going to has been postponed until this November. I hope it still is on but if it's not, it's not.

  2. Ha ha. It's the same thing here, over and over and over. The monotony is driving me a little crazy, but I'd rather be safe than sorry!
