Sunday, March 29, 2020

Coronavirus Week Two: March 22 to March 28

We've survived another week of social distancing which has actually now been upgraded to a highly encouraged but not yet enforced "shelter in place." This means... do not go out unless you need to work, or you need food, or for a medical reason. There's a huge list of what's okay and not okay to to.

Anyway. Here's what happened this week:

  • On Monday I went to work like normal. Spent my regular four hours entering bills that had accumulated for two weeks. As I left that day it was decided that I would come in just once a week to do these bills. Unless things changed...
  • Also on Monday we started an online family "quarantine" scavenger hunt with extended family. A facebook group was created for this purpose. It provided a lot of fun and diverting moments all week long. We did things like: build a lego bridge that can hold 10 lbs, order taker out, go on a nature walk, eat something you don't like, help make a meal, time yourself folding laundry, do a list of exercises, find a 1968 coin, make a stack of 50 things... and etc. It makes me wonder what we can do this coming week to continue some sort of family fun and connection. I don't know.
  • I worried about food a lot this week. Friday I finally sat down and made my first online order for pickup at the store. It will be ready this Tuesday afternoon. Also, the ibuprofen I ordered from Amazon two weeks ago finally shipped. Although, according to the reports, if we actually get sick, ibuprofen will make it worse. 
  • Friday was also meltdown day. I really hope it's allowed to have those now and then during this craziness. 
  • Also Friday I learned that that there wasn't really enough bills to worry about at work, so maybe come in NEXT week after more can accumulate.
  • Except now, no more will accumulate because shortly afterwards we learned that our governor has said please everyone STAY HOME. So now the whole city offices are shutting down, only essential people, and no flex (that's me) and the library will be closed for at least another two weeks. So... no work at all for me now.
  • I am managing to continue with my diet. All is well mostly. Though that contributed to the breakdown on Friday. Exercising continues every day. We didn't manage to get OUT for a walk this week though. It's been snowy and cold. 
  • We started playing online pictionary with the family.
  • I finished a book and started another. We started another kdrama, but already ran out of episodes. And we ran out of episodes on the other kdrama. (Meaning, they are currently airing and so now we have to wait every week for new ones.) I have 4 dramas going at the same time now... and will probably start another tonight. I need a drama to watch every night to stay sane.
  • The husband is painting at one of our properties, so he has been getting out every day for a few hours. This week he will start working again. But not sure if it will be at home, or in the office. If he does go to the office, the plan is that he sees no one and shuts his door. Still not sure if that's the best plan. We'll see how it goes.
  • Toto has been doing lots of homework this week, and works at it all day as if at school and life is normal. Ha.
  • I have had several fun kpop conversations on twitter. This also keeps me sane. 
  • We haven't watched an movies or anything, which I find to be strange. 
  • It feels like a very long, very big staycation... like the Christmas holidays usually are. It also feels like we are all sick (not that we are actually sick) and there's that weird feeling of being detached from the world. You know what I mean? 
  • Speaking of the world, the news depresses me to the point of tears. I hate looking stuff up but I also want to know what's going on. I really hate fear posts, those that intend to make us scared senseless. I am happy to see the positive ones. I like that this experience is making families be forced to deal with each other and get closer. I feel bad for those in isolation who are alone and I hope they are finding ways to connect online with their family and friends.
  • This week we also learned that a couple of events coming up in April are for sure postponed or cancelled. It's a relief to know what's going on, but also sad. So sad.
  • We have at least a couple more weeks of this. I really hope by then we can see a shift in the spread... a flattening of the curve as they say. I really hope we all aren't crazy by the end of this.

Let me know how you are all doing. One of the craziest things about all this is how the WHOLE ENTIRE world is going through the same thing. It's truly mind boggling.


  1. I'm sorry you had a meltdown. I've had a couple too. I'm sure I'll have many between now and the end of all this.

    I'm very hyper-focused (read obsessed) with keeping up on coronavirus news. Like you, I hate it but I HAVE to stay informed. I have 5 tabs open in my browser at all times that I refresh several times a day--they display the current numbers in various ways and one is the Twitter feed to the Utah CV taskforce. And then every couple of hours (read minutes), I open another tab and look up other news, including which celebrities have contracted and/or died (from) CV.

    I hope all your kids are doing okay. It must be hard not to see them in person like you normally would. I'm glad we have the technology we do to help ease that a little bit.

    1. Everyone is doing okay. Hopefully we are all finding a new normal for now.

  2. I feel like I have to keep checking the news but I also think that I have to try to limit the time spent checking news sites as it isn't good for my mental health.

    1. It really isn't. I get so depressed when I do look. And scared. I hate it.

  3. I think it's perfectly fine to have a meltdown now and then! Good for you for sticking with your diet and exercise plan through all this. I've just given up. I'm probably going to come out of quarantine a good 20 lbs. heavier! It sounds like you've found some good distractions and ways to keep your family close. That's awesome. Hang in there!
