Monday, March 4, 2019

February 2019 Reading Recap

I don't know why but the combination of flag, snow and mountain always compels me to take a picture!

It was almost like a normal reading month for me! Here are the books I enjoyed in February:

4. Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami: a young kid runs away from home and meets some interesting people along the way in his journey to find himself
5. Dear Rachel Maddow by Adrienne Kisner: a struggling student writes to a famous news anchor as a way of getting her feelings out
6. Geekerella by Ashley Poston: a girl goes to a convention dressed in her dead father's cosplay and ends up meeting the stranger she has fallen in love with through texts
7. The Marriage Bureau by Penrose Halson: the story of a dating service set up in London during WWII
8. Fame, Fate and the First Kiss by Kasie West: a budding actress has strange things happening on set, including falling for her tutor

Favorites of the bunch: Geekerella and Fame, Fate and the First Kiss were just totally enjoyable. Kafka on the Shore was a wild ride that I somehow enjoyed!

Book Challenge Progress: 3 more crossed off

  • Kafka on the Shore: book translated into English
  • Dear Rachel Maddow: book I've never heard of
  • Geekerella: book recommended by friend or family
Goals for March:
  • read the book I have lined up for a book tour
  • read both book club books (in person and online kpop club)
  • mark something else off the challenge list
What books did you enjoy this past month?


  1. Geekarella is on my GR list!! Happy March!

  2. My reading has been very slow these last months due to life circumstances, but I am slowly getting back to it. I think my favorite read for the month was Guest Room by Chris Bohjalian.

  3. Looks like you read quite a bit! :D
