Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Mini Bloggiesta Is Coming! February 3 and 4

Ever since I handed Bloggiesta over to new hosts, I haven't been able to participate! WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?? Life... yeah. Life. And lack of blogging mojo and.. mostly life.

But I think I pretty much have no excuses for this mini event coming up next weekend and my blog needs a TON of catching up sort of tasky things so I plan to participate and... catch up.

Want to join in? Post your to do list and link up over at the main Bloggiesta site! Spread the word! Don't let this event die! Come and join the fun!

Here's my working list:

  • Archive lists... I'm so behind. But since I haven't been reading as much this shouldn't be to hard! *I started this but haven't quite finished yet...
  • Fix my little social media buttons on the side bar... I think they died. *DONE
  • Clean up my Bloggin Buddy List... so many people have totally stopped blogging! SADNESS! *DONE
  • Add some reviews to Amazon *DONE
  • Add links to the lists on the tabs. *I did some, but not sure I can call this finished.
  • I would say clean up email, but I know I won't do it... *Yep, I did not...
  • Think up some discussion post ideas *Nope
  • Do some housekeeping on the YouTube channel messiness *Nope
  • Participate in the Twitter chat if it's at a time when I'm home... *DONE!
  • Write two posts. *DONE

I will add to this as I think of stuff and as I get ideas from others. I hope you guys can participate too! Let me know if you sign up!


  1. You have a great list! Very ambitious...enjoy, and I hope you finish everything you need to do.

  2. I don’t this this list is too lofty. Good luck!

  3. Cool cool! I was actually wondering when the next Bloggiesta was. I'm thinking of joining in. I don't have a lot to do, but I have a few things I could do.

    Good luck with your list! :D You can do it!

  4. That sounds like something I need to join. I have a list of blogging related things I need to do that I never seem to get around to.

  5. Love all your goals! Good Luck with them! I am excited about this bloggiesta!

  6. Great list! I'm the same about cleaning up my emails. I hate doing it!

  7. Great list, I hate when the buttons die :/ It has happened to mine a few times. Happy Bloggiesta and good luck!
