Thursday, October 19, 2017

Book Review: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

Book: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
Genre: Science Fiction

This book was our October/Halloween-y book for book club this month. We'll be discussing it tonight and it should be interesting since I'm getting vibes that there is a variety of opinion. As for me, I thought it was awesome and suspenseful and thought provoking.

It's about a dude who is happy in his life, and yet, he wonders, in the back of his mind what would have happened had he chosen a different path. The other road, if you will. Well, and so he gets to find out and it's not a good thing.

He gets abducted one night and when he wakes up, he realizes he's in a different world, a different reality. And in fact, it's the reality of the very thing he's been wondering...what would things be like if he had chosen differently.

And now all he wants to do is to get back to his family, and his world.

It's not easy.

I thought it was a great page turning and twisty story. And it made you really think about all the different decisions you make in life and how things would be if you chose other things. And how we should love and appreciate the life we're in at the moment. Because what if you woke up one and it was all gone. It's like everyone's classic worse nightmare.

I thought it was great. It's been awhile since a book held my attention like this one. I'd been looking forward to reading for quite some time. I'm glad it lived up to the anticipation.


  1. I’m glad you liked it since reading and you haven’t been getting along lately. Yay for books that keep your attention!

  2. Makes me think of that classic film, It's a Wonderful Life. I can't help it, whenever this trope comes up. Or Christmas carol, of course. Those just seem a bit- cheesy? - nowadays. I bet this would be an engaging read.

  3. I'm glad you got to read a book that was gripping for you. The writing was really well done.

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as you did. :D

  5. Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I LOVED it. It was so twisty, engaging, and surprisingly touching. Crouch always leaves me wanting more!
