Thursday, August 24, 2017

Utah Books Week 2017!!!

Tomorrow kicks off a week celebrating Utah books and Utah authors! This is the sixth year we've done this event and while it's waned a bit in participation, we still feel just as strongly about supporting our local authors. And there's a lot! We've often said that there's something about Utah. There are authors everywhere... authors who write amazing books!

If you'd like to participate, be sure to check out the official blog to see what's being planned. There's an Instagram challenge and a Twitter chat next week, for instance. But mostly, read some Utah books and let us know what you think of them!

Here's a stack of books I'd like to get to.. if I can manage it. (I have doubts that it will happen, but one can dream.)

 But what I hope to mostly concentrate on is Gem and Dixie by Sara Zarr, which is on my Kindle.



  1. That's a mighty stack! I hope you like Gem & Dixie but I'm afraid you won't. There's zero romance and it's angsty and sad.
    I want to continue the John Cleaver books.

  2. Wow! That is a big stack to work on. I'm so excited we are still doing this event! Hopefully we can build interest again.
