Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Adventure is Over!

Do you remember back last summer when I announced we would be getting an exchange student? Well, can you believe that it's over?  Ten months and one school year later, we sent her home. That was last week and now we are trying to get used to the new normal. It's truly like having a kid that you have to GIVE BACK! What's up with that?

Here's a goodbye video we made of her last day:

(The song is saying "bogo shipda" which means I miss you in Korean and it's about wishing one could keep in touch with old friends. This is also the phrase we use at the end in Hangul.)

Many of you follow my Instagram so you've probably seen all these pictures, but if not, I thought I'd share a few to illustrate the fun we've had this past year with Sangi.

First day!

First day of school

Turning 15 years old

Going to Comic Con and meeting BillyBoyd

Visiting the Utah mountains

Hiking in Bryce Canyon

Seeing the Grand Canyon

Her first Halloween!

First time carving pumpkins

Meeting authors

Making pies for Thanksgiving

Holding a cat for the first time!

Sitting on Santa's lap for the first time!

The lights at Temple Square

Christmas Eve

Kpop stuff for Christmas

Seeing Blue Man Group in Las Vegas

Giving a presentation on Korea

Going to the BTS concert!

Visiting Alcatraz in San Francisco

Seeing her host sister graduate

Hiking to Delicate Arch
(obviously this isn't her, but doesn't that picture crack you up?!)

Experiencing southern Utah

And finally, cooking s'mores on the last day!

And that's only SOME of it! It's been a great experience and we are sad it's over. Here's hoping we can visit her in Korea some day!


  1. So sad!!! But what a great experience for all of you.

  2. That "year" went by so quickly! I'll miss Sangi, but I'm glad I can keep up with her on Instagram. :D

  3. Looks like you had an awesome year! Sad that she has to go back, but great memories!

  4. The time went by fast, but you guys did SO much in those 10 months. That is awesome. You gave her so many great experiences.
