Monday, September 5, 2016

The Kpop Konverters Channel Trailer

Over on the YouTube playground, we've made a lovely funny channel trailer. And I thought it would be fun to share here.

Do you know what a channel trailer is? It's like a movie trailer, you know, that thing that gives you an idea of the what the movie is about? Well, a channel trailer gives you an idea of what a YouTube channel is about. Make sense?

And because I figured most of you my bookish friends (if there are any of you left here) probably haven't clicked on the channel that's about kpop music of all crazy and weird things... maybe you'd click on the trailer just out of curiosity to see what we think we are about!!!

Want to give it a try?

And there you go... a sampling of what we are doing over on the YouTube channel talking and fangirling about this crazy fun music genre.

Maybe it looks a little fun to you after all?


  1. It looks like you guys have way too much fun filming your videos.

  2. I'm glad you have fun with your channel. I enjoy your channel. :)

  3. I'm a terrible friend. I haven't been watching your channel. I should though! Your trailer was funny.
