Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Grandma Adventure: Half Way Point

Hey my friends. Is there anyone still out there????

I feel like I've come to a whole new world. As you may or may not know, about a week and a half ago I drove for two days (21 hours) to come half way across the US to where my daughter lives to help her and her husband with their seven month old baby while they did school and work during an especially crazy period of crazy scheduling that they were dealing with.

My plans for these two and half weeks?

  1. Hold the baby
  2. Feed the baby
  3. Play with the baby
  4. Read some books
  5. Watch some kdramas
  6. See the surrounding countryside
  7. Maybe blog a bit
Can you guess which things I've done and not done?

Here's the stack of books I brought:

In one and a half weeks I've managed to read HALF the top book which is about 130 pages total. Hmm. Fail.

And I've done two blog posts... this one makes the third. Woot! Fail? Maybe half fail.

I HAVE watched half of a kdrama though:

Heirs with Lee Minho and Kim Woo Bin

And I HAVE seen lots of the countryside:

And bonded a bunch with baby!!!

So you know.... it's been good, even if I'm not reading or blogging!!! 

Six days left, then I'll drove home for two days. And then back to non-grandma life. Which is both good and bad and happy and sad. Ah. Life. 


  1. I'd say success! She is so stinkin' cute! Enjoy your last week with her.

  2. Awesome! I'm glad you are able to go visit them and help them out. I'm sure it was a win for all around! Have a safe drive home.

  3. Yay for an update! She's such a cute baby the reading and everything can wait. :) Good luck with the rest of your trip.

  4. I'm glad you've had such a great time with your baby. She's so cute! I think that's the best thing you can do so I call this trip a success. :)

  5. What a cutie! Enjoy your time with her and don't worry about those books :)

  6. Ahhh ... looks fun! I love all of her expressions. So cute :)

  7. I'm still here, though I haven't been commenting a lot lately. Trying to be better about that!!

    I just have to say that I have been loving all the grandbaby pictures in your feed these days! She is absolutely adorable!!

  8. Bonding with baby is way, way more important than reading and blogging!

  9. Well this would explain all those sweet pictures on instagram! She's adorable. :)
