Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Utah Book Week Day Three: PEOPLE

Today for Utah Book Week we're talking about people. The first people that come to mind are these:

Most of my favorite book people all in one place taken on the occasion of our book club's tenth anniversary.

Speaking of book club, here's a couple other memorable book club pictures from our two author visits these past two years:

With Josh Hanagarne

With Amy Finnegan

We've had some great parties with our bloggin' buddies over the years too:

2008 or so

Summer 2008
when authors were small enough to come to our parties!
More of the crowd in 2009
Summer 2011 or so 
And last year, 2015

Ah, what memories! I miss the blogging hey day we had back then. But from it all, I've made some great life long friends! Bookish people. They are the best.


  1. Fun pictures! Glad you have so many awesome bookish people who live close to you. Lucky!

  2. Good way to look at it. Things aren't like they were but we've met some awesome people along the way!

  3. I love all of these pictures. They bring up good memories. Like you, I miss when more people blogged. But, I'm glad that I've made long-lasting friendships with a few of them. :)

  4. I wished I lived in Utah County to go to your book club. Leaving this comment to let you know I still read your blog posts and enjoy seeing what everybody is up to.

    1. Natasha! What a nice surprise to hear from you! You can still come to book club. We have a couple people coming up from your direction. :)

  5. Fun pictures!!! I liked seeing the before I joined and after I joined progress. Look at us dedicated bloggers in that last picture! Go us!!
