Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Non-Reading Summer Activities

I haven't done a Broke and Bookish Top Ten Tuesday prompt for awhile but the list today sounded fun so here I am joining in again.

Ten Summer Activities NOT Reading

1. Driving with the windows down and blasting music. If I had a convertible, I'd be SO all over that!!

2. Going on a trips, sometimes big ones, sometimes small ones, but there needs to be an escape of some sort going on!

3. Going to plays and concerts at the outdoor theater. We've been going on and off (mostly on) for the past 25 years. It's not summer without it.

4. Watching TV, catching up on all the things!

5. Going to movies, all the summer blockbusters. Back in the day we'd do the summer kid movies every week. That was fun.

6. We don't have a beach here. And I'm not much of a swimming person, but I feel like that idea of going to the pool should be included. It's a good idea, but it was always more of a pain for me than it was fun.

7. Project time! I think of summer (at least I used to) as the time to finally finish a big project, or start a new one, or learn something new. Basically to just jump in and do that thing that you've been putting off. Do it now!

8. Conventions! This will be my new thing I think. Summer is full of conventions and I'm addicted. This year it's not happening, but next year (in addiction to Comic Con which is usually spring and fall actually) I'd love to go to both Vidcon and Kcon at the very least.

9. It's sort of about reading, but different... but going to the library's summer reading program was always a part of our summer back in the day. I miss those days actually. They always have such fun activities and get the kids motivated to make and usually keep their reading goals. Loved it.

10. Sleeping in of course. While I still have to get up on work days, the non work days are truly about sleeping in. Usually. Or I wish they were.

What stuff do you do in the summer that doesn't include reading?


  1. I can totally get behind the sleeping in thing. I find because of the longer days I go to bed really late so sleeping in is a must. Love summer blockbusters and I'm really excited for a few of them this year!

  2. Lots of fun things in your list! I am more of a fall person than a summer one... I usually do the projects in fall.

  3. Movies and trips are great during the summer! :)

    Check out my TTT.

  4. Love your list! I'm all for everything except driving with the windows down unless it's cool outside. :) And, I wish I could sleep in more.

  5. Great list of summery stuff!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/06/28/top-ten-tuesday-63/

  6. Love your list. I've been really enjoying the greenness of everything when I go for my walks these days :)

  7. I love all these things! Great List!
