Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Thirty Days of Books: Surprises and Opinions

A Character That I Relate to Most

I feel like I can relate a lot to Elinor from Sense and Sensibility. I took one of those quiz things one time and it agreed.

A Book That Changed My Opinion About Something:

I can never think of a book to answer this one. I'm sure the book exists, but it just doesn't stand out! Anyway, I decided to be (a wee bit) snarky and go with this book. Because, even though I love horses, I don't usually find them fascinating or books about them fascinating... and this book changed that idea completely around!

The Most Surprising Plot Twist or Ending:

The one that comes to mind every time this question comes up is:

Just thinking about it makes me crazy still.

The 30 days are almost move! Check out other responses at Jenni's blog!


  1. I need to reread Ender's Game to remember how it ended!

  2. I need to read Sense & Sensibility sometime. It and Emma are the only "main" Austen novels I have left. And, I loved the movie Seabiscuit. I wonder is I'd like the book? And, lol, on Ender's Game since Jenny said she saw the end coming a mile away. I did too once the last "simulation" started, but not until then. I think Jenny saw it even before that, though.

    1. Jenni: I read Ender when I was a teenager and wasn't jaded yet about things and just took everything for face value. It never even occurred to me what might be going on.

  3. I joined you guys on this one. Elinor is a very relatable character. I feel the older I've gotten the more I relate to her instead of Marianne.

    1. Rachel: I never really did get Marinanne...

  4. I took a "which Jane Austen character are you" quiz and got Fanny from Mamsfield park. Blech! No thanks!
    I was surprisingly entertained by Seabiscuit too and I really wasn't expecting that.
    Sorry, but I saw the ending of Ender's Game coming a mile away.

    1. Jenny: See my comment above about Ender!

  5. I really need to read Sense and Sensibility. Elinor sounds like a character I could relate to as well. Great answers!

  6. I think Elinor is a good match for you. Ender's Game ending still baffles me as well.
