Monday, June 13, 2016

Thirty Days of Books: Random Catch Up Day!

I've fallen massively behind in the 30 Days Prompts from over at Jenni Elyse's blog. Time to catch up! But man, these are some hard and painful prompts....

A Favorite Quote from Your Favorite Book

This one comes from I Am The Messenger
which is brimming with awesome quotes.

A Book That Disappointed You

I loved The Fifth Wave and was so looking forward to its sequel, The Infinite Sea. But I was a little disappointed I must say. I am, however, going to give the third book which recently came out, a try. Here's hoping!

Favorite Book Turned Into a Movie

There are so many that I could say here! But I'm going with this one:

Favorite Romance Book

Ah so many I could list here too, but I'm going to go back a ways into my reading history and share one of my favorite historical fiction books of all time:

What an intense love story this is!

Favorite Childhood Book

Sheesh. See... these are too hard!!! How about this book that we seem to always forget about when making lists:

I picked this ugly-ish cover since it's the one I have
and grew up with!

Stay tuned for more bookish fun this month! It ain't over yet!!!


  1. I am pretty impressed I am mostly keeping up with this. It is the most blogging I have done in years!

  2. I like all your prompts, even though I haven't read a single book you've listed. I have seen Holes and really like the movie and I've also seen Where the Red Fern Grows. Guess I need to read the books.

  3. I completely forgot about Holes! It is a great movie (and book)!

  4. Yay! You caught up. Holes was a great movie. And I haven't even read the book!
