Saturday, May 28, 2016

Saturday Snapshot: Catching up and Sing Along Saturday: Space!

 I haven't shared pictures for the West Metro Mommy's Saturday Snapshot meme for a few weeks, so here's a catch up!
The daughter is moving so here's a last picture of all
the my four kids together for awhile.
Gah, blurry. Ick.
My daughter-in-law graduated!
A couple more years and she'll be full RN. :)

I found Korean kids books in the donation
pile at the library. I didn't nab them yet.
I can't read them but they look cool, 네?

My youngest kid with my oldest (only) grandkid!

My nephew got married.

I went to a writing conference
and had my first chapter critiqued by a bunch of nice dudes!
Sounds like a way too exciting life, yes? Ha!


And now music for the Sing Along Saturday found over at Bookish Things and More. Today's prompt:

What song goes perfectly with a book?

I have several spotify playlists (one I created, some I follow) dedicated to music that has a science fiction space-y feel. I love love love this sort of music and every single one of them could fit to a science fiction book such as Illuminae or These Broken Stars or the one I'm trying to write myself or Ender's Game.... or any of them.

So I guess I'm cheating a bit and sharing a couple favorite songs that fit a genre and not a book. Ready? Ok!

This one makes me think of the end of a long crazy book when all is well again. It starts out a bit slow, but give it a chance and you'll have goose bumps I promise:

M83 always delivers for cool space-y sounding music. I love this one for its build up too.

And one with words now! Starchaser, which is self explanatory for this assignment! I really love this one too:

Thanks for listening! What songs makes you think of a book?


  1. These songs were fun to listen too. :) I like how they could fit with most sci-fi novels. :)

  2. It looks like you've been busy! I enjoyed your photos.
    My Saturday Snapshot is HERE.

  3. Wow! You had a busy week! I love seeing all these "slice of life" pictures!

  4. Lots going on! I actually had time to listen to the songs this time! I loved the first one! Beautiful.

  5. Oh those songs are perfect for science fiction genre. I love M83. And so many awesome pics. That wedding dress is gorgeous.
