Friday, April 22, 2016

Readathon Plans

It appears, and I'm still a bit wary, but I truly think we have Saturday free from other obligations and so that means:

So excited! I mean, I've not been that into reading lately, but I'm excited to see if I can get BACK into it by readathon-ing! It's bound to help, right?

Here's my small little stack. Mostly I just want to finish Winter and if that happens, I'll try out one of these others:

We plan to make our traditional carmel popcorn too, hopefully. I have no idea what else we'll be eating, but something. We might have a few friends join us and if so, I'll be sure to document and share!

You too should join the fun! Check out the Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon website here for all the details!


  1. I've got 'Summerlost' in my RaT pile too! Happy reading!

  2. I hope it helps you get back to reading but no big deal if it doesn't, right? Just have fun! I'm not going to be able to officially participate after all, but I do plan on reading at some point!

  3. I'm excited. I just officially signed up. I'm still not quite sure when I'm I'm going to come over yet. I'll let you know. :)

  4. I hope the readathon gets you back in a reading mood!

  5. ONE OF THESE DAYS I'm going to be able to participate in this. Every time it comes around, I have some other obligation...grrr!
