Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Book Review Thoughts: Winter by Marissa Meyer

Book: Winter by Marissa Meyer
Genre: YA Fantasy
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I remember the day we, a bunch of bloggers and I, got to have a special gathering at the library with an unknown author, Marissa Meyer, who was launching her first book, Cinder. I remember thinking, eh, a Cinderella retelling. Maybe. We'll see. I don't know.

Flash forward a few years and out comes the fourth (or fifth. or sixth...depending on how you look at it) book and this author is now extremely popular and everyone is in love with her characters and this series.

I love it when that happens.

I read the first books reluctantly thinking they would just be the same old same old, but then I was sucked into one of the best retelling worlds I've ever read and absolutely loved it.

This, the final book in the series, was a fabulous, though a bit long, ending to the adventure. All our people are together, finally, trying to stop the evil queen and reclaim her kingdom (aka. the moon.) There are a gazillion ups and downs so much in fact, that I sort of got whiplash, with our characters together, then separated, hurt, then better, lost, then found, captured then escaped. Over and over and over again! But even with that, I was hanging on to every page and turn and event.

I loved that even though the book was long, the chapters were very short, which makes a reader feel like they are totally flying through it! (Still, how long did it take me to read this? Way too long!)

I won't go through the specific things that happen in this book, but just know if you are a fan of this series, I'm pretty sure you'll eat this book right up.

Here's to looking forward to whatever Marissa Meyer has in store for us next!

Bottom Line: Would you love and extremely mash up of fairy tale retellings and genres? Then you MUST read this series!

Other Reviews:

Meyer has really been so incredibly thoughtful in her creation and it truly is a lovely masterpiece of storytelling. From Don't Be Afraid of the Dork

At some point I forgot this series was based on fairytales because of how original Meyer's world building is. Sometimes I would catch glimpses of the original tales and it really shows how a good adaptation can work, especially with Winter's story. From Books and Sensibility

All in all I loved the series. It's easy to overlook some minor annoyances when you love the characters and world the author has created. From Alternate Readality

This series has a wonderful intricate plot and amazing characters! You CAN have both! From Kami's Library Thouhts


  1. What?! A book review?! Wow! I'm just teasing. I'm glad you finally read and enjoyed this one. I wonder if the author has anything else planned and if it'll be as good or bomb. It'll be interesting to see.

    1. Jenny: I'm pretty sure I heard she was working on something...

  2. I agree with everything you said! I LOVE this series. My hubby just finished the audiobook of Cinder.

  3. I STILL haven't gotten to WINTER or FAIREST. Not sure why I'm hesitating -- maybe I just don't want the series to end?? Glad WINTER was good as the others, even if it was a little long.

  4. I've had Cinder sitting on my kindle FOREVER! I love fairy tale re-tellings, so I think I might need to dig that one out!

  5. I am glad you liked this, but I didn't actually read the review.

  6. I LOVE this series! And while I do think this particular book is really, really long, somehow I didn't think so while reading it. There's just so many different storylines that needed their proper ending! And I loved it all.
