Wednesday, March 2, 2016

February 2016 Reading Wrap Up

My daughter going home from the hospital
with her new daughter. 

And well. February. The month of no reading. I finished one at the beginning and one at the end. I guess better than nothing, eh? What can I say... the books got boring and the dramas got good. And the grand baby was born, and that's really all the excuses I have.  Here's hoping for a bit better show by the books in March!

The two books I read this month:

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard: Mare thinks she is going to be sent to fight in the army, but instead, she finds herself in the Place of the Golds. Then everything changes.

Little Women by Lousia May Alcott: The story of four sisters, their family, their relationships and their growing up years. We had a fun RAL this month with this one!

Plans for March:

  • Um... read? Maybe?
  • Read Life After Life for book club.
  • Finish Endure.
  • Maybe start Winter.
  • Read the new Lindsey Leavitt I got the other day.
  • Maybe read the new Kathryn Purdie book I got the other day.
  • Mostly, let's just work on reading again... shall we?
How about you? Do you plan to read this month?


  1. I think a new grandbaby is about the best excuse ever for not getting much read. Congratulations to you and your family!

  2. Congratulations! Both mom and baby look beautiful. I'm not a grandma yet but I have a grandma board on Pinterest so I'll be ready ;). I totally wanted to join in on the Little Women readalong but I got the book from the library too late to catch up. Good luck with March!

  3. Congratulations on your new granddaughter! You guys are going to have so much fun with this little bundle of joy!

    February was definitely the month of no reading for me too, as I only finished one book. One! Yikes!

    Sounds like a good plan for March! I'm going to start to add reading to my schedule every day to make sure I catch up. Good luck!

  4. Yes, it's so strange to see you not reading. Still, two books isn't bad.

  5. I think you have a good excuse for this month. And, you did get to one more book than I did, so that's something. :) Let's hope for a better reading month in March.

  6. Congratulations on the grandlittle!!
    Happy March!

  7. I still am shocked that you have children old enough to be parents. Where did the time go?? I hope March is a great reading month. :)

  8. I'm being a weird reader right now and reading a riveting fan fiction (for a video game series I like). It's 650,000 words long, so it's going to take a WHILE, but it's so good and I can't put it down! I can't believe it. I don't even want to read any real books right now because they are all boring and this is actually good!

    I think I'm losing my mind, or something, but sometimes you just have to chase after your bliss.

  9. Congrats again on being a grandma! She looks so very sweet. :) And I hope March is a good reading month for you!
