Saturday, March 19, 2016

Bloggiesta To Do List Spring 2016


1. Write and post my A Day in a Life post for Wednesday! (To see the details about this event please visit Trish's blog at Love, Laughter and A Touch of Insanity. This is a blast of an event. You don't want to miss it.) DONE! Have you seen it? 

2. Fix whatever the heck is wrong with my social icon "find me" spot on my side bar. UGH. DONE. They are back!

3. Host two Twitter chats. And visit the rest when I can.

4. Survive Comic Con! (See how I double booked myself this week? See that? Don't do this people! Chincha. I couldn't help it and actually had nothing to do with it.)

5. Update the archives as usual. (It won't be hard this time since I've read nothing!) DONE!

6. Update Pinterest "Books Read" board. (Ditto.) DONE!

7. Flirt with another review idea I've had. Maybe I'll finish a book this weekend and try out this idea.

8. Change my profile picture in all the places. (People, I still can't decide which one to use.) Done! I'm not sure I've remembered all the places but I got the big ones. Still weird to see myself in a new way. It will take some getting used!

9. Attempt more email cleaning up.

10. Visit and comment and as many blogs as I can. HAVE FUN DOING IT!

Hey! Want to join the fun? Check out all the details here, write up a to do list post, link it up....then party with us next week! I promise, it'll be fun.


  1. Pick the red one! Pick the red one! Pick the red one! ;)

    You have some good goals for this week. I think you'll be able to get them done. Good luck! I've decided to make my Bloggiesta about surviving my mid-life blogging crisis. I hope I can figure something out or I'm toast.

    1. Jenni: I'm very curious to see how you'll be coming up with this solution!

  2. This all sounds very doable considering your slump. I look forward to your day in the life of post. I have notes for mine but no post written yet.

  3. I really need to update my archives. I haven't done it in YEARS, though, so it would be a major undertaking. I think I'll procrastinate the task a bit longer ...

  4. Nice list, Suey! All the best with your goals! I know you'll probably knock them out of th epark anyways.

    Oooh, I almost forgot about A Day in a Life. Man oh man, thank goodness this is a weeklong event. I just posted my list and now realize that it is missing stuff. I guess I'll wait a bit more and not overwhelm myself ;)

  5. I am sure your reading mojo will find its way back to you soon!

  6. Good luck and have fun! I hope you get lots of participation!

  7. Oh man, Bloggiesta and Comic Con in one week? Good luck, I've got to update my Pinterest board for books read too. Pinterest brings me most of my traffic for non-bookish posts, I need to sneak my reviews in so they get more visits too.

  8. Enjoy the week, and I always have a hard time picking a profile picture...currently I have one that I actually like a little...So I won't change it ever...LOL

    You have a great list!

  9. Good luck with finding time for everything!

  10. I've had a hard time reading this month too! I'm still on the only book I've started in weeks! LOL! Good luck this week and happy Bloggiesta! :D

  11. Good luck with all of your goals, happy bloggiesta!

  12. Good luck with your goals. Enjoyed the first Twitter chat and looking forward to the next one.

  13. Looks like you have done a good job so far with your goals! Keep up the good work!

    Lisa @ Just Another Rabid Reader

  14. I just had to note that I notice all the little korean words that pop up in your writing now. They always make me smile! And give me warm fuzzies. :)
