Wednesday, February 24, 2016

What to Blog About When There are No Books to Review: Analyzing a Slump

I'm fast approaching my ninth blogiversary and I think there has never been a time in all these years where I truly have gone for weeks without finishing a book or having a book review to post. So I'm sitting here staring at my blog wishing for a book to review and... I've got nothing.

So I thought I'd blog about this weird phenomenon.

Why am I not reading and/or finishing anything?

Yes, I'm extremely distracted by the addition of other forms of entertainment that I've been referring to way too much lately. I've always maintained that a person can have all sorts of interests and consume all sorts of fun media type things during the day and as long as they are vigilant and aware of time you can pretty much fit it all in... or at least spread all the things over the week.

But I'm finding that this time around I'm struggling. And books and writing are feeling the sacrifice. I hope I can still figure it out. I'm telling myself that one month of not reading isn't the end of the world or anything, so relax. But still, I feel weird.

You may think the new grand baby might be causing some shifting in activities, but really that was only a couple days last week and since then, my life has pretty much resumed normality.  (Except for the worry and anxiety about things, though I live with worry all sorts of things constantly, so that's not really different either.)

And yes, the books I've been trying to read just aren't doing for me either. One I thought I could read in just a couple of days, but sadly I fall asleep or my focus drifts every time I try it. I will finish it, but it might take awhile.

So I tried another one, one that was due to disappear off my Kindle.. and it had moments, but again, wasn't nearly as engaging as I'd expected given my feelings for the first book.  So it was a slow go and disappeared before I could finish it.

Little Women is going well, but I'm reading it slowly and as it's a re-re-read, I'm not as fully engaged as if it was my first time through.

Then, I look at Winter, this huge book on my nightstand, and think... just pick it up... just do it, do it, DO IT!

And I look at all the other piles of books on my shelf and floor and I can't find the energy to even grab one and try it!

So then I roll over, grab my tablet, plug in the earbuds and am soon wrapped up in the drama on my screen instead!


I'm starting to get worried here!

Will it pass? Is there hope? Is it a normal run-of-the-mill blog/reading slump or are we talking about something worse here? Have I ruined my reading/writing life by letting in new things? Will I be able to figure out how to balance all the good things?

What a trivial problem, eh? And yet, one that I really need to address! Or else this blog might have to change its name!

At any rate, here's hoping I finish a book soon...


  1. I'm having a slumpy month too. Nothing is taking. I sent books that are probably wonderful back to the library without reading a word of them. Must be something in the air.

  2. Ha ha! That first picture so perfectly describes a reading slump. I'm sorry you're having a reading slump. I hate them for so many reasons but mostly because I have nothing to blog about. I was trying to squeeze in Life After Life for my Adult Literature Month but I'm having to drag my way through it. Literally. It's no fun. Now I have nothing to blog about. I'm about ready to give up and try something else. Oh well. Just remember not to feel guilty. You'll be back. Reading is too fun to give up forever.

    1. Jenny: I loved it! Yeah, not reading really does a number on the blog posting! Sad you are not liking Life After Life.. I read a few pages today and have no impressions so far...

  3. Don't worry, it is normal. It happens from time to time. Sometimes every book I grab seems to engage me, and before you know it, none of the books you grab seems interesting. Phases, they will come and go. One sunny day a book will engage you again. In the meantime, just relax and enjoy a good tv series!

    1. Lisbeth: I am in one weird phase right now!

  4. I'm pretty sure it's normal. Since I've known you, which is like 6 years now (whoa), you've never once had a reading/blogging slump. Sure, you maybe didn't blog or read as much here and there, but you still read and blogged. So, I say you're due for a slump, not that I want you to have one or that it's something to expect. I just mean that I think it's normal, lol. What a round about way of saying that, huh? Sometimes, TV/movies are easier because there's no thinking/energy involved. It'll pass, I'm pretty sure, anyway.

    1. Jenni: I guess it is time... I'll go with that!

  5. I hate reading slumps too. They make the world dimmer even when you're doing other things. What drama is that? Maybe my daughter and I will watch it. :-) Don't worry about the slump. It'll pass sooner or later.

    1. Vasilly: The drama I'm watching now is Faith with Lee Min Ho pictured above. But this picture is not from that drama. :) It's just him being is crazy cute self!

  6. NOT TO WORRY!!! I got your back My Shister! (this is how it is said by my current Korean 2nd male lead, and I love it!) YOU HAVE BEEN READING!!! A LOT!!!! OF SUBTITLES!!!! When you get done with Faith, you will have read for 24 straight hours. I think that totally counts as a book... Review Faith... Problem solved... [mic drop]

    [picks mic up, whispers] You're welcome.

    1. Megs: Ah! Review Faith! What a concept! :) We'll see how that goes over!!!

  7. Lol Just do what you're what you're into. Even the most dedicated bibliophiles need a break from books sometimes.

    1. Tasha: They do? LOL! Well, I'm for sure taking one!

  8. Sounds like you just need a little reading/writing break. No big deal. Concentrate on other things for awhile and when you feel like reading again, do it. No pressure.

    1. Susan: I feel like my story quota is on a very high level right now... just through other mediums. Which is okay, right?

  9. I think it is normal but I understand it is a weird feeling, even maybe a little guilt going on, just LET IT GO. The right book will bring you back to us. Why don't you just blog about what is getting your creative juices flowing, the Asian drama maybe :-)

    I remember just playing cards on my iPad for awhile, I just couldn't get into a book but then I realized because it was a book club read. I had to choose something for me, that may work for you.

    Love the yoga style burnout picture, lol

    1. Marce: If I review some Korean dramas... you'll come and read them, right? And at least say... hmmmm... interesting. Yes? :)

  10. I'm in the same situation this year. I think I've actually finished 2 books in the last 2 months. In the past I might have been worried about it and forced myself to complete a few more, in the hope this would get me back in the swing of things. This time I've had too much on my plate to even think about it much. I'm sure I'll get back into a reading frenzy at some point, but for mow I'm happy to complete a few DVD boxsets I've been wanting to try :-)

  11. It's certainly not all about books now! But you could always write about whatever else you're finding of interest right now. After all, we've all had reading slumps so we might as well know about other interesting things we could do when they hit.

  12. I expect it will pass :) I feel as though being tired or busy makes it much harder for me to choose to prioritize reading, so perhaps one of those things might change for you.

  13. As someone that regularly goes into reading slumps, I don't stress about it anymore. I miss reading, but life happens. :)

  14. :) You made me smile today. It's ok to read only when you feel like it.
