Monday, February 15, 2016

BBAW Day One: Five Books Introducing Me

It's Day One of the all new revived Book Blogger Appreciation Week! Thanks again to The Estella Society for bringing it back!

Today our task is to introduce ourselves by listing five books that define us. If that's not a loaded question, I don't know what is! But I'll give it a shot and I'm sure there'll be cheating along the way.


1. The Book Thief, or anything by Markus Zusak actually. As any long time reader of this blog knows, I have a thing for this author. He amazes me, and I love all his books with a passion.

2. I'll say Pride and Prejudice to represent anything and everything Regency and/or period piece-y and or British. Because it's a pretty sure guarantee that I'll like anything with this feel, both old and new. And it's not hard to get all worked up and passionate about books and/or movies and/or actors that have anything to do with this particular subject!

3. A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry. So I list this book to represent all the timse I've read books and LOVED them for the fact that they teach about worlds and cultures not my own, which I adore. (As you may or may not know, I'm currently deeply entrenched in the study of Korea! And I need to find books about this country quickly!) Anyway, this above book BLEW ME AWAY when I read it and is a good one to illustrate this aspect of me and my fascination with the world and cultures around me.

4. At the risk of just listing my favorite genres here, I must mention some book of the SF/F or really anything of the speculative fiction persuasion. Because not only do I love the actual world we love on, but those we do not. But which book to list? This is where I get especially overwhelmed! I've decided on a Brandon Sanderson:

5. And finally, I've decided to list The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson just because it's about a bookworm Heathcliff loving clarinet playing band geek (while I don't play anymore, I relate) who loves a swoony broody boy and is dealing with real life issues, as we all are. (I just looked up my review and yeah, I need to re-read this book!)

Well, not sure I did a very good job actually representing myself, but there you go! Happy BBAW week!


  1. Markus Zusak is my niece's favorite author ... and I can see why. I haven't read A Fine Balance, but I guess I should add it to my list.

    1. Beth: Your niece and I would get along very well. :)

  2. I knew you would have Markus Zusak on here =) (I think Josh Groban needs to write a book...any book really lol) I really need to add some Zusak to my list!

    1. Kristina: Some things never change, eh? And yes ADD HIM TO YOUR LISTS! Oh, and about JG... AGREED!

  3. I think just your obsession with Zusak would have summed you up perfectly. lol :)

    1. Kelly: You think I should have just left it at that, eh? You are probably right! But it's been SO LONG since I gushed.. it was fun to have another gushy moment today!

  4. A Fine Balance - what a wonderful book that was. I loved it. And need to reread it sometime. I am also a Jane Austen lover, though I'm more fond of S&S than P&P. LOL

    1. Kay: I can never pick my favorite Jane Austen... but P and P seems to just be "the one."

  5. I clearly need to read more Markus Zusak, don't I?

  6. I was just thinking it odd that I haven't read any thing else by Zusak and I should.

  7. I am currently reading Pride & Prejudice, and loving it! Book Thief is next on my list. :D
    Glad to come across your blog through BBAW. :)

    1. Shanaya Tales: Thanks for visiting! I'd love to know what you think of The Book Thief when you get to it. :)

  8. I was watching Pride and Prejudice last night (Kiera Knightley) and thinking about how much more I liked the mini-series. But really you can't go wrong with Austen!

    1. Chris: Agreed, though some parts of the Kiera Knightley one are okay too...what I really enjoyed is my recent re-watch of Sense and Sensibility due to a need to see Alan Rickman. :)

  9. I'm am SO not surprised to see Markus Zusak! If I'd had to guess, he's the first one I would have picked for you! Love this list. Love it.

  10. I'm ashamed to say I'm behind on Zusak's publications! There are two I've never heard of. I don't think I've read anything by Brandon Sanderson I haven't loved. He has some amazing stories and worlds coming out of that brain!

  11. I can have some pretty involved discussions about Pride and Prejudice movie adaptations! I like the 1995 miniseries for the Darcy/Lizzie interactions, but I prefer the Jane of the 2005 version, and the feature film is also beautiful to look at, cinematography-wise.

  12. You showed your love of Markus Zusak, that is great to see.

  13. I loooooove Markus Zusak. I just wish and wish and wish that he'd release another book. I've loved everything he's written so far, and it's been yeeeeears since The Book Thief. I want to know what else books he has in him!

  14. Jenny's right - Zusak needs to release another book!
    A Fine Balance was such a great book, so affecting. Great list Suey!

  15. I think you did a great job of representing yourself and the books you love to read!

  16. I completely missed this prompt! *palm to forehead* I'll do better the rest of the week! Why have you not told me about this The Sky is Everywhere book!?!? I need to find it now!

  17. Ha ha! Not at all surprised by your choices. I remember you talking about The Sky is Everwhere and thinking I needed to read it. And yet, I haven't read it yet.

  18. I think you were the reason I finally read The Book Thief!

  19. Woo hoo! I have to say that I'm not surprised by Markus Zusak at all. I'm also not surprised by P&P and Brandon Sanderson. But, I had no idea about the other two books. Sure, I knew about those aspects of your personality, just not the books.

  20. I love that there are multiple Zusaks on this list since I haven't read anything but The Book Thief. Also, I have A Fine Balance on my stacks and it's been there foreverrrr. Maybe this is the year to read that, my own damn book.

  21. Haha, of course The Book Thief would top your list :) Like Andy, I haven't read anything else of his yet and given how much I liked it, I think I should read more!
