Thursday, February 18, 2016

BBAW Day Four: Connecting

Today for Book Blogger Appreciation Week we're talking about connecting with the book blogging community. Which is the whole reason for doing this right? Well, at least one of the big reasons!

There are so many ways to connect, but the big thing about connecting is... if you WANT to connect, you can't just sit back and hope it happens. You've got to do something. It's a give and take. Am I right?  Here are the ways that I've found to be fairly successful when it comes to connecting:

1. Commenting. This the number one way, hands down. Recently, commenting seems to be going out of fashion. We don't have enough time. We are reading on our phones which are a PAIN to comment with. We read posts, but don't have much to say back. Twitter happened. Google Reader died! Yes. I know and feel them all. But I think this is still the best and number one way to let each other know we are out there and reading and feeling it. Agreed? So, just do it.

2. Twitter. It's been around a while now and I think most people, most bloggers, have figured out that if you aren't participating on this platform, you'll probably miss a bunch of stuff where connecting is happening. Funny conversations, projects planned, chats, read alongs... so much stuff! I love Twitter and it's awesome, so if you haven't embraced it, just do it.

3. Events. There are so many events that it can get overwhelming, but pick and choose a few and participate. Seriously, the connection that happens with these things is amazing. For a list of many (most?) of the events going on, be sure to check out the calendar over at Book Bloggers International. And don't be shy about jumping into things. I think most of us tend to be shy in real life, but it's much easier (for me anyway) to come out of my shell a bit online, so... JUST DO IT!

Those are the main ones for me. I mean, there are so many other social media things to do, but I think if you are doing these three, you'll find people and people will find you.



  1. How did I not know about this calendar?! Thanks!!

  2. I didn't know about that calendar either! What an awesome tool!

  3. Yes yes yes to all of this! Love Book Bloggers International for all the community stuff they do. I also love instagram! Who knew the bookstagram community would be so big? Not me.

  4. Totally agree! Commenting is going out of fashion and it's sad. I don't need a ton of comments but if I feel like I'm not getting any connection I don't see a point in continuing to blog. Twitter is great but not somewhere I hang out all the time. I think I need to purge some of the people I follow. There's too many and they don't even talk books!

  5. Awesome list! I agree with all your points. I didn't know about the calendar, so thanks. :)

  6. I had no idea about Book Bloggers International. Thank you for sharing that link!

  7. Twitter is still beyond me! I'm probably missing EVERYTHING, but I just cannot get the hang of Tweeting. I'm a pretty good commenter, I think, although I can definitely do more of it. All bloggers love getting comments, right?

    Great advice, Suey!

  8. I didn't know about the calendar, either! Agree on the comments and I'm trying! ;)
