Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Best Bookish Events of 2015

At the end of the year, I love to look back and remember some of the awesome bookish things that happened. Here's some of my favorites from this past year:

Hosting three most awesome read alongs: North and South in January, Dune in May and Not in the Script in August. So. Much. Fun. We are planning another one (maybe two!) for this next year. I hope some of you find yourselves wanting to participate!

Utah Book Month Twitter Chats: We tried a new thing and had authors chat with us on Twitter all through the month of August. We ended up talking to 11 different Utah Authors! It was fun and overwhelming all at the same time!

Hosting author Amy Finnegan at book club: I'm starting to get the hang of having a local author join us for book club. Who's coming this next year do you think?

Hosting author Sara Zarr at the university's symposium: I was very nervous to do this little gig, but it turned out to be very fun and at moments surreal. I'm glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and just did it!

Meeting more authors at signings and launchings: Some notable authors we met this year were: Marissa Meyer, Sarah J. Maas, Ransom Riggs, Gene Luen Yang, and Clare Vanderpool.

Ransom Riggs
Marissa Meyer
Tom Hiddleston
Wait, WHAT??
(Sorry not sorry to Sara Larson!)

Starting a fun feature with Jenny we like to call Book Banter: I've thought many times over the years that pitting Jenny and I against each other over our differences in taste would be fun. We finally did that this year! In case you missed it, here's our very first one on Jane Eyre.

Hanging out with authors at LTUE, Storymakers and Writing for Charity. I can't wait to do it all again this coming year!

Having my daughter start her very own book blog! 

What fun bookish things did you do this past year? Looking back like this always makes me wonder what's in store for the next year! I look forward to another fun one!


  1. We did some awesome things this year!

    How did I completely miss that Tori started a blog!?!?!?

  2. I love that I'm a part of most of these! :D It has been a fun year. I love spending time with you with our bookish, tvish, movieish, and craftish shenanigans!

  3. Wow! You did do a lot of bookish things this year, didn't you? I'm sad I missed a lot of them. I'll have to do better next year.

  4. I had no idea Tori started a blog! I'm following now. :)
