Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Thanks

It's sort of a random freebie prompt over at The Broke and the Bookish today. A thanksgiving free for all! Yes, there are some categories suggested, but I thought maybe I'd do a random bookish thanks list, as I've been known to do in the past. Let's see what I come up with.

Ten Bookish Thankful Things

1. I'm thankful for those in between novella books that usually make me crazy but right now make me happy because I plan to use them to bump up my Goodreads number!

2. I'm thankful for libraries that do author events! Pretty much my favorite thing ever. My very own library is planning one for not this Sat. but next, on the 5th and some of my favorite authors will be there. You'll know where to find me that morning!

3. I'm thankful for a daughter who said today, when I asked her what she wanted for Christmas, answered... BOOKS!

4. I'm thankful for the magic that is ebooks. That technology I pooed pooed back in the day but now I embrace with wonder.

5. I'm thankful for the authors that just keep writing and writing and writing because one thing I know and that is, I will never ever run out of things to read.

6. I'm also thankful for the authors that come to writing conferences and teach the stuff they've learned. They make me feel like I can totally join their ranks.

7. I'm thankful for words, those amazing brilliant things that happen when we put a few letters together, because words make it all happen.

8. I am thankful for the ability and the means to support authors by buying their books even though my house just might crumble any second from this habit!

9. I'm thankful for friends who happily discuss, argue, cry, laugh and squeal over books with me. It's a little insane just how much fun this can be!

10. I'm thankful that my eyes are still letting me read without too much trouble and annoyance. They are bugging me in many other ways, but not reading!!

What bookish things are you thankful for this Thanksgiving week?


  1. lol that's so true about the novellas and short stories boosting the Goodreads number ;) But I love novellas and short stories too because they're such a lovely break from the longer novels. Wonderful list, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

    My TTT

  2. All great things to be thankful for.

  3. Great list! And you're SO right about novellas! Not only do they keep us happy between books, but they help us reach our reading goals! And I'm another one who changed her mind about ebooks. Now I actually prefer them because I've run out of room on my bookshelves. Hope you and your family have a lovely Thanksgiving!
