Thursday, November 19, 2015

Book Review Discussion: Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray

Book: Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray
Genre: YA SciFi
For: Review
From: Received for free from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Short Synopsis: In the first book, Marguerite was going through all (well some, since there are thousands) the dimensions trying to find her father's murderer. In this one she is going through them again trying to find the pieces of her guy, because his soul has been splintered. That does NOT sound good, does it??? And there's the bad guy who started all this mess who keeps hounding them wherever they go. Also, she revisits one of the dimensions in the first book and finds out some interesting and disturbing things. She also finds out interesting and disturbing things about her guy. But in the end... well, in the end... OH MY GOSH!!!

My Response: I love these books! So unique and crazy and good and crazy and crazy! The cliffhanger. Intense! So not expected. NOW WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO?? Well, basically, these books are so fun because we get a set of characters that we come to know, but then everywhere they go, they meet themselves in these other worlds and things are just a little bit different. It's trippy and awesome. It feels sort of like time travel, but it's not. And yeah. I love it.

Bottom Line: Really fun science fiction that has a great time messing with your mind!

Let's Talk About: Middle books are sometimes iffy. This is a great one though. Do you have strong feelings about middle books?

Other Reviews:

I felt that this book pointed out that each of us has qualities that aren't ideal, even qualities that could take us to a darker version of ourselves, given the right circumstances. The book also was strong on destiny -- the idea that even in multiple universes, certain people are destined to end up together. From YA Romantics

It's full of action and danger. And the overarching plot moves along as Marguerite discovers more and more with each dimension she visits. From Annette's Book Spot

DFT: As a favor to everyone that has already read Ten Thousand Skies Above Youcan you please give us a small hint as to what is going to happen in the next book? I know I am personally dying after that ending!

Marguerite: How do you think I feel about that ending? Oh, my God, the suspense.
Here’s what I can tell you, though: I’ll be going back to even more dimensions I’ve visited before—and some of those dimensions (or the people within them) might be coming to visit me.
From Dark Faerie Tales

I am always skeptical going into a second book, perhaps even more so if I really loved the first book. Ten Thousand Skies Above You, much to my delight, provided more twists, more traveling, and more thoughtful romance that I could have hoped for.   From Ex Libris


  1. Middle books are iffy. Sometimes they're just fine (like Catching Fire or Ignite) but then some feel like they don't really accomplish much and that they're just a bridge (Crossed). I'll read them just because you need to to get to the next book, but yeah, they're disappointing sometimes so it's great when they're not.

  2. Yep. I need to read this series, I'm thinking.

  3. I've read mixed reviews of the first book in this series and I'm not sure if it would work for me, but I love the covers so much, they make me want to pick them up! They're so beautiful.
