Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Quitting!

What bookish things do you want to quit? The people over at The Broke and the Bookish want to know!

There really are no series I want to abandon, or no tropes I'm sick of, or no authors I've bagged, so I had to come up with some other random things!

Bookish Things I want to Quit
  1. I want to quit feeling guilty if I don't like a book and decide to abandon it right from the get go.
  2. I want to quit worrying about what I can't read and just enjoy what I can.
  3. I want to quit feeling weird if I love too many books and have the desire to give them all five stars!
  4. I want to quit worrying that YA has taken over my classics reading.
  5. I want to quit waiting to the end of the day to fit in reading time.
  6. I want to quit buying ebooks and then never reading them!
  7. I want to quit accepting book review requests, but I just, I just...
  8. I want to quit wondering what happened to Markus Zusak's latest writing endeavor and just have an MZ book to read already!
  9. I want to quit revising my MS and finally get it sent out to some beta readers.
  10. I want to quit making this list because I can't think of anything else I want to quit!
Ha! That was the pretty much the silliest list I've ever written. How did your list turn out? I'll be by to see! I hope.


  1. Great list and good luck on all your endeavors.

  2. Love that last one! Ha! I'm ready for Markus Zusak book too! WHERE IS IT!?!?

  3. I really relate to #3, 5, and 6. Great list!

  4. I think you should be able to give all the books 5 stars if you want. (Don't listen to the others at book club.)

  5. I love your list. We give you a hard time with the 5 star thing but don't feel weird or guilty! And, yes, MZ needs to get that book out already!

  6. #1 for sure
    My ttt

  7. Haha, I also sometimes worry I'm giving all of the books 5 stars! And the opposite happens too, where I feel as though I've been down on all of the books I've read lately.

    I actually still haven't written anything other than The Book Thief by MZ, but I loved it, so I should really get to his backlist!
