Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Creepy Books

In thinking about this post I realized that I don't think I've read a book that has really SCARED me. Creepy books, yes. Suspenseful, yes. Cringe worthy, yes. But totally scary? I don't think so! (And no, I haven't read any of the true horror Stephen King books. Mist, but that didn't scare me much.) Anyway, today for the Broke and Bookish prompt I will list some that did make me hold my breath a bit, or keep me turning pages or creep my out just a touch. And then I want your recommendations for books that are for real scary.

Top Ten Creepy Books

1. The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
2. The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
3. The Hollow City by Dan Wells
4. I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
5. Blindness by Jose Saramago
6. The Passage by Justin Cronin
7. The 13th Tale by Diane Sutterfield
8. Edgar Allen Poe stories
9. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
10. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

I hear Dan Simmons books are pretty good. If I read a scary Stephen King story I'd probably start with The Shining. A real true good ghost story book would be fun. Suggestions?

Anyway, scary or not, the books I listed are all really amazing! Except Blindness, which was so disturbing I would never put anyone through it! That was one hard book to read.


  1. Nice list! I picked Rebecca as well! I can always count on Edgar Allan Poe for a good scare and The Historian has always looked interesting! Happy Halloween! :)

  2. I am going back to my Nemesis of a book called IT by Stephen King.
    I hate clowns, I hate the book but I can't give up on it its been too long.
    I have been reading this book for years now since I was a teenager I'm nealy 30...... I only ever read this book over Halloween other than that it stays on the shelf till next year. 💪📚😈

  3. Yeah, I've read disturbing and creepy books but scary? Not so much. Now I'm tempted to read Blindness. ;)

  4. I tend to read creepier books rather than straight out scary books as well. I want to get around to reading The Historian and The Thirteenth Tale sometime. Great list!

  5. Thought turn of the screw was so boring. But good list otherwise! :)
    My ttt

  6. I've read The Thirteenth Tale and Rebecca and I agree with both of those picks. I also think a lot of Mary Higgins Clark's books are creepy, but I don't remember which ones because it's been so long since I've read them.

  7. I've read Rebecca and that one is really good! Also check out books by Susan Hill, she wrote the book turned movie, "Woman in Black." Excellent scary reads!

  8. I Am Legend was really creepy but I liked it.
