Sunday, October 18, 2015

Readathon Wrap: October 2015

What a nearly perfect readathon we had! It was a quiet, rainy day. There really was nothing going on that took us away from reading. Nothing that we had to feel guilty about missing. And hardly any distractions... including being too tired! I only got sleepy for a brief moment about half way in. The only thing we could have asked for is to have others join us (in real life) like we've had in the past. But still, my daughter and I had each other and then my son even joined us in the evening for the last four hours or so. Awesome.

Also, I hit my person best record for amount of books read! I think this is because I picked a couple of graphic novels and a tiny little children's classic. It was perfect.

Another thing I find interesting is that I'm all gungho in the beginning about the social media stuff, the updating, the challenges and etc, but then I get totally into the reading and just want to read without bothering with those extra things. I feel a little guilty about that, but in the end, it's fun to truly just concentrate on reading. I think at the end there, I read for nearly four or five hours straight without breaking at all. It was great!

Anyway, here's the questions from the site with my answers:

Which hour was most daunting for you? Got pretty sleepy around 1 to 3 pm. This is a sleepy time of day no matter what's been going on! But it wasn't bad and we pushed through.

Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year? For me, contemporary YA romances are fast and fun to read during readathons. I'm going to have to keep this in mind for future events.

Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year? I love the event and can't think of any way to improve it. Andi and Heather do an amazing job! I dread they day they get sick of it and want to quit!

What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon? Everything! Thanks to whoever sent the rain our way. That was especially perfect.

How many books did you read? I ended up reading FIVE books! Wow! For a total of about 1300 pages, thanks to huge hefty graphic novels with lots of pages but only take an hour to read!

What were the names of the books you read? Stitching Snow, Boxers, Saints, The Canterville Ghost and This Is What Happy Looks Like

Which book did you enjoy most? Probably the two YA books, Stitching Snow and This Is What Happy Looks Like

Which did you enjoy least? Boxers was a little hard to grasp. And so terribly sad. As was Saints.

How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time? Um, VERY likely! (Depending on spring and/or fall break plans as it usually happens on this weekend!) And I'll just be a reader like always. 

Bottom Line: I loved our experience this time around. We read from 6 am to 12 midnight with only a few breaks. It was a true reading marathon. 

Did you read? How was your experience?


  1. I read two whole books this time. Not much compared to your five but I think it's the most I've read during the read-a-thon. I always end up just enjoying the reading and not so much the social media stuff too. I think since that's the point that there's no need to feel guilty. One of these days I'm going to come over and read with you... though we might just end up talking. :)

  2. I didn't make it through the 1-3am time, so I'd say that was the toughest for me too! I hope you had a great readathon :)

  3. It sounds like you had a great readathon with the perfect reading weather :) I didn't take part this time, but I'm definitely going to try to for the next one!
