Thursday, October 1, 2015

Book Banter Topic Two: John Green

Once upon a time I discovered John Green. And I loved him from that very first video I watched. It just went on from there. When I learned that Jenny didn't so much love him, I was like... wait, what? How can you NOT? 

And thus, another Book Banter was born!

Jenny Says:

This one is tricky because I don't hate John, he just annoys me.  

Reason 1: His You Tube Video Blog

To be honest I haven't watched too many of these but while everyone else is heehawing at him, I just sit there looking confused. Some  of the things he says are mildly funny, I guess, but talking really fast and clever editing videos doesn't make you a comedian. I guess his brand of funny isn't mine because I just don't get it. 

Suey Says:

When we discovered his videos, we binged watched, one after the other after the other and never got sick of them. I'm not at all bothered by the fast talking, I love it. And the editing, of course that doesn't make a person a comedian, it just makes him a fabulous YouTuber. Something that because of him, tons of other people are doing and becoming. It's a whole new thing and he started it. That's cool. And I look back and think, now why didn't I think of the? I could have used YouTube to talk to my sisters and we could have become famous and had a gazillion people copy us and then start a conference about it and... and... and... 

Here's a recent video just in case you haven't ever watched him and want to know what we are talking about here:

Jenny Says:

Reason Two:  His Books

Oh, John. Please, in the name of all that is holy, stop writing books about yourself! Everyone of his main characters, if you pay attention, is totally him! Slightly nerdy, lanky, a wallflower, not one of the "in crowd". I could go on and on but you just have to read the books and pay attention and you'll see what I'm saying. Why does he do this? Is it because he's so small minded he can't reach outside himself and create a character that's different from him? Or is he actually in therapy for his chronic fast talking and the therapist has assigned him to write stories about himself to help discover his inner self? Who knows, but for some reason he just can't seem to stop writing about himself. Even The Fault in our Stars is about a girl! Sigh! 

Suey Says:

So  I get that his books may seem like he's just writing about his own life things, but all authors do that! ALL! Why pick on John? And I maintain that the reason his books are so popular is because everyone can see themselves in his characters!  Here's what I said to Jenny as one of my reasons I love John Green. I will copy and paste:

I love that he’s relatable. He’s normal. He’s gets people. He’s geeky like we all are. He owns up to it. He embraces it. He makes other geeky nerdy kids feel proud of that. He makes people feel like they can do anything. Because if he, a nerdy guy, can do it, we can all do it.

Also, along these same line I had this to say:

I love that he’s smart and funny and witty. I love that he says things that make me think. I love that he says things that make me feel.  I love the way he says things  and the words he uses. I think he’s a great writer full of real emotion.  

Jenny Says:

Reason 3 :The Women

I could just say that all the women in his books are type cast characters that are all exactly the same. Sexy but they don't know or believe it, angsty, gritty cursers. See where I'm going with this? What bothers me isn't exactly that they are all the same but it's the type of same that they are. I think John ,bless his diseased mind, is trying to send the message that women are beautiful no matter their issues or beliefs but that's not what I'm getting. I believe John just has a type and in some twisted way is writing about himself getting this type. 

Suey Says:

Alaska and Margo have similar characteristics, but I don't see the same type cast in An Abundance of Katherines or The Fault in Our Stars. Yeah. I just don't see it. Once again, I think people fall in love with these characters for a reason... we see ourselves in them. 

And one final point that I want to make as a reason to love John:

He uses his fame to teach and inspire other people. I mean, he’s probably pretty busy, and yet, he makes videos about history and literature and gets people excited about them. (His brother Hank does the science-y videos.) I love that he has so many projects all for bettering others. He has inspired so many people to go out and do their own projects and start their own things and be their own kind of creative. It’s just cool. And I love it.

Here's an example of one you should all love:

Bottom Line: I find John Green to be funny and inspiring. And he writes books that people can relate to.

And don't forget, be sure to go see Jenny's take on the subject!

So my readers... what do you think? Are you a John Green fan or does he annoy you?


  1. I agree and disagree both, I guess. Because I've tried a couple of his books and so far they didn't live up to all the hype for me. So his writing hasn't been able to keep me riveted. But I do agree that he's made nerdy kids cool again, which is great for lots of teens! As you said, he makes other geeky nerdy kids feel proud and that's awesome. Yet also, he and brother have become so hugely popular that it makes me sort of wary because they wield a lot of influence on what teens think on a lot of things. Which can be good, don't get me wrong, but it can also have potential not to be. If that makes sense?

    1. Yep, my biggest concern is his influence. We're adults so we aren't fazed my his books but let's look at them again. Do we want our kids to read them?

    2. I have no worries that they, John and Hank, will influence for the better.

  2. He wasn't the one who single handedly made nerds popular again. Let's not go giving him credit for that. We definitely are going to have to agree to disagree again. I don't think all authors write about themselves. There might be bits and pieces of them in their characters but his guys are all the same and just like him.

    1. Jenny: Yep... agreeing to disagree! AGAIN!

  3. I am not a John Green fan by any measure. His characters..well...I don't like them. I think there is by far better books out there for teens. And I think he is pushing an agenda...I felt that with Looking for Alaska. I don't find his books relatable nor his characters and I didn't find much wit or humor either. With that said, I do find his videos entertaining. Albeit, I've only viewed a couple.

  4. I can totally see Mr Green perpetually writing about himself as the geek who is in love with the gritty beautiful girl. This kind of "trope" has been going on forever so he isn't really any kind of visionary. I'm glad he is still relatable despite his success though.

    1. He is definitely relatable. I just hope he's not too relatable.

    2. I guess I like and enjoy geek stories! :)

  5. "Bless his diseased mind" HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! I'm sorry Suey, but I think Jenny won this battle.

    1. Kami: It appears so! But I must say, if his mind is diseased, I can't even begin to imagine what's going on in so many other weird author minds out there...

  6. Haha, yeah, I'm with Jenny on this one. I still plan to read one of his books before really judging, but the reverence with which he's regarded really annoys me.

    1. Katie: How can you judge without reading one of his books???? :)

  7. I've only read The Fault in our Stars. It didn't live up to the hype for me. I'll still read his other books, though, at least one more to make a firm opinion of his books.

    1. Jenni: Yeah,, it seems there's a lot of people who are forming opinions on his books, without reading his books. I guess you can decide from his videos whether or not HE himself makes you crazy...

  8. I have mixed feelings on John as well... And again, I haven't read his books... but I have watched some of his and Hank's videos. Which for the most part I enjoy. Especially when John says nerd girls are the most underutilized romantic resource and voices the opinion that girls/women are strong characters that don't need men to have fulfilling lives, and when Hank did the video on what constitutes as beautiful in all the different types of culture. That is when I fell for the Nerdfighters founders. But as I watched more of their videos, they do create their own agendas, asking for money to help with whatever project they have created... which is not bad... but they also have very liberal ideas which they are not shy in sharing (I mean why would they, it's their vlog and they have a huge following of malleable minds), but they present these liberal ideas as the only logical possibility... which bothers me as a conservative I guess. I like that they helped made nerds popular again, I like that they want to help people, I do love the way John talks and the words he uses... but some of their ideas bother me too... So I am mixed.
