Thursday, September 3, 2015

TV Review: Poldark Season One

It seems like I heard a vague mention of this show, Poldark,  once somewhere, then forgot all about it. Well, it appears that it started airing on Masterpiece Theater while I was on my trip, so I probably missed the true hubbub. But then caught a whiff of it around and about and decided to see what it was all about.

Well, I actually decided to see what it was all about when I realized that Aidan Turner starred in it. And then when I realized it was a period piece also, that sealed the deal.

It's not yet on Netflix, though I imagine it will be at some point,  so I had to find it other places. All the episodes are on YouTube here, but the quality is pretty bad and I felt like it skipped some stuff. However, I didn't care. I watched it anyway. (This link is to a different channel than what I used. Maybe the skipped stuff is there this time!)

And absolutely loved it.

Its about a guy who has come home to England, the Cornwall area, after fighting in the Revolutionary War. His family thinks he's dead so it's a bit of a surprise when he shows up. And in fact, his fiance is engaged to his cousin and they get married two weeks after he gets home

His dad has died while he's gone and the estate has fallen into very bad neglect. He begins to restore order. This includes getting the copper mine going again. And dealing with the bad guys that want to see him not succeed.

And even though his fiance has married, don't worry because he finds someone! And oh boy! The intensity is perfect!

But it's not just about Ross Poldark, but also all the people in the community, and his cousins and everyone. It's one of those small town relationship, everyone-in-everyone's-business type of stories.

And the scenery is incredible. So beautiful and amazing.

There's laughs, and loves and tragedy and violence and... everything.

And there's Aidan Turner who is absolutely perfect.

So, watch it if you can stand the YouTube thing. If not... keep your eye out for when it comes to Netflix. or when they re-air it before the next season. There will be another season right? Yes, yes, there will!

Here's the trailer:

 Here's a montage of the romantic bits, which is awesome:

Seriously. If you missed this one, catch up! And if you watched, it, what did you think?


  1. I can't wait to check this one out!

  2. I absolutely loved the books and the tv-series. You are right, Aidan Turner is perfect as Ross, as is Eleanor Tomlinson as Demelza.

    1. Lisbeth: I need to check out these books for sure!

  3. Gah! There are too many shows I need to watch and not enough time! I need to read. Once I don't have to work or I can work part-time, then I'll watch more tv.

  4. It took me awhile to get into this version since I had loved the original series and the books so much. However, I'm taking it as a 'new' version and was really enjoying it by the end of the first series. :)

    1. Claire: Makes me very curious about the old version, that's for sure.

  5. I think I might have to wait for it to come on Netflix to finish it... It drives me crazy that it misses things!

    1. Megs: I think that link I gave above is better. I think.

  6. Love, love, love this series! It was so richly done. And I've since read book 1, which was also great!

    1. Courtney: Love! And the books? I'm so intrigued now!

  7. I have seen so much buzz on twitter about this! I want to wait til it comes to Netflix, but I'll definitely be watching!

  8. Yes! Demelza and Ross are wonderful. Really, the entire cast are amazing in their respective roles! I didn't absolutely love every bit of the series, I admit, but I did enjoy it a lot overall. And am excited for season 2! :)
