Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: My Fall TBR

Want to know what I plan to read this fall? Here's a list!

Ten Books on My Fall TBR

1. Dracula; (for book club)
2. The Martian: (for movie prep)
3. Me Before You: (for book club)
4. The Canterville Ghost: (for family book club)
5. Throne of Glass; (for book club)
6. Fairest: (for Winter prep)
7. Year of Origin: (for writing group beta reading)
8. Boxers and Saints: (for readathon)
9. Wish You Were Italian: (for YA romance fix)
10. Station 11: (for catching up with the buzz)

How's that look? I think I can do this list! Check out everyone else's lists over at The Broke and the Bookish!


  1. Nice list! I forgot all about Fairest! Seeing Boxers and Saints on your reading list, makes me want to start prepping for the readathon! Happy reading.

  2. I really should read Dracula someday. I own 2 copies of it even. Great list and I think it's doable as well. I hope to get The Martian read soon, even if I did forget to add it to my list.

  3. Totally doable. I think everyone is waiting for Winter! I haven't read Fairest yet so I should probably read abd prepare myself as well. As for The Martian...I think I'll just watch the movie. Does that make me a bad book lover?

  4. Boxes and Saints the graphic novels? Good luck! They are depressing.

  5. I think you'll totally be able to do this! :D I excited to read all the Cinder books! :D Yay! Hopefully, reading those and The Hunger Games will get me out of my slump. PS--I like the one sidebar. It looks awesome! :D

  6. Great list. I've read Dracula and Fairest, which were both interesting. I've thought about reading The Martian, Throne of Glass, and Station Eleven, so I'll be interesting in hearing what you think of them. Good Luck!

  7. Nice list! Almost all of these are on my TBR mountain chain somewhere. The only one I've read is STATION ELEVEN, which is good. It's different and kind of slow-moving. I liked it, though. It's memorable. I need to read FAIREST as well. I've had it for months, just haven't gotten around to it yet.

    Happy TTT (on Wednesday)!

  8. Me Before You is on my to read list, but not for this fall.
    Happy reading!

    My Top Ten:

  9. Hope you enjoy Throne of Glass!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/09/22/top-ten-tuesday-23/
